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Tony HellerPLUS



Little Ice Age, Big Chill (Climate Documentary) 2005

  - 1:29:57

Originally uploaded to by Carls TV Channel 2 Not so long ago, civilization learned that it was no match for just a few degrees drop in temperature.. Scientists call it the Little Ice Age, but its impact was anything but small. From 1300 to 1850, a period of cataclysmic cold caused havoc. It froze Viking colonists in Greenland, accelerated the Black Death in Europe, decimated the Spanish Armada, and helped trigger the French Revolution. The Little Ice Age reshaped the world in ways that now seem the stuff of fantasy--New York Harbor froze and people walked from Manhattan to Staten Island, Eskimos sailed kayaks as far south as Scotland, and two feet of snow fell on New England in June and July during "the Year Without a Summer". Could another catastrophic cold snap strike in the 21st century? Leading climatologists offer the latest theories, and scholars and historians recreate the history that could be a glimpse of things to come. Face the cold, hard truth of the past--an era that may be a window to our future.. This documentary was made in 2005, and as you can see today in 2019, that there is massive climatic changes happening all over the world, so be your own judge to decide if this documentary has any bearing on what's happening in the world today...






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Uploaded 3 years ago  

March 27th 2021  

File Size: 346 MB

Category: Politics



- 3 years ago  

Mr. 666, you imply this History Channel 90 minute post by Tony Heller is a decoy and it’s historical truths are without facts? If there is ever a decoy, it’s by the 1% Green Billionaires controlled media and their “fraudulent modeling to condemn fossil fuels”. (I think therefore I am.)


- 3 years ago  

Nothing like a good doco hey!! 🤔... Especially when it suits your agenda!!! 😝... How about some facts!!...


- 3 years ago  

You sure like emojies and Themtube. Everyone here knows that you are the South end of a North bound mule but I think that you need "clarification". Imagine the democrat donkey's nose is at 12 O'clock, you are the stuff that comes out of the donkeys but at 6 O'clock. You are proud of this. So proud that you affirm it three times, hence the 666. Your new Eco-Warrior name is ThreePiles.


- 3 years ago  

Oh no! Tony wants other people in poor countries to enjoy the fossil fuels that made all of our lives cushy! What a horrible “agenda”. Unlike you’re agenda of getting your daddy state to control all energy usage on the planet, ensuring the only people that get that luxury are the filthy rich. Cant wait until we are all living in windowless concrete govt barracks subsisting on little more than cockroach milk. That way we can “save” the planet from us disgusting humans and everyone will be suffering so we won’t have to suffer in self loathing alone. Except for our holy doom porn priests, Bill Gates, Gretabot and Soros, but they deserve to live lavishly for their role in depopulating the human race and saving us from ourselves. Right, GoatFooker666?


- 3 years ago  

fraudulent modeling to condemn fossil fuels is not helpful

Warren Zoell

- 3 years ago  

I get a kick how this so called documentary uses the the same argument for cooling as it does for warming.


- 3 years ago  

Thanks for sharing, as always... watching now :)


- 3 years ago  

Love how they 'model' future projections (in 100 years), and yet, they can't even predict weather a few weeks from now. How many times have they been wrong about either heat or cold over a 10-year span?


- 3 years ago  

so a long history lesson, some actually interesting, then,,,,, a hundred scientists surveyed,,,,, SURVEY SAYS ,,,,,(Family Feud style) 1. we might have global warming 2. we might have an ice age 3. they have no idea and are guessing 4. you add your guess due to the scientists having no idea


- 3 years ago  

And we all know how well solar and wind work when it's snowing and freezing.


- 3 years ago  

There still is family memory of some ancestors in Norway that had to eat tree bark to survive. No wonder they came to America.


- 3 years ago  

So potatoes, Stradivarius, beer (and whisky) was some of the positive outcomes of the little iceage. I like them all but the rest of the story is sad. Tough times.


- 3 years ago  

Nicely done Tony. If you don’t mind a suggestion, a great companion documentary to this one would be The Great Global warming Swindle. That documentary cuts to the heart of the deception known as man made global warming.

What's my name?

- 3 years ago  



- 3 years ago  

Over the last ten years in the US we saw the development of horizontal drilling and the exploitation of oil shales. Those techological developers saw the US switch from importing half of its oil needs from the Saudis to being the biggest exporter of oil in the world. Gasoline prices were approaching $4-$5/gal, but during Trump's presidency Gasoline prices dropped below $1.50/gal. Then, within 90 days after the start of the Harris presidency, and her shutting down our oil and coal development and production, gasoline prices skyrocketed above $3.50/gal with no end in sight. And Harris blames Trump.


- 3 years ago  

Great historical video. Saw it years ago, but good to watch again. However ... the last 10 minutes stinks of "climate alarmism" and "bad CO2" propaganda. The doomsday alarmists forgot to mention this about CO2 ...


- 3 years ago  

This hour and a half History Channel special Tony Heller posted, shows during “Little ice ages” a literal drum beat of continual horrible worldwide historical events were all caused naturally, not manmade and prior to the 1900’s Industrial Age before CO2 manmade emissions. Very sobering and thought provoking. Thanks again Tony.


- 3 years ago  

Just imagine, BBC fact checkers. Spanish Armada sailors frozen to death on deck. "How concerned should we be" LOL's The bastards have been caught lying to todays children. Thanks to Tony Heller and people like him we are given the opportunity to be reminded of the truth. Its just a fleeting reminder before the thing George Orwell warned us about happens properly and totally. Best wishes and the kindest of regards. Never give up.


- 3 years ago  

And foolish man still thinks he makes the Earth go round and can stop it at his will.


- 3 years ago  

Signs that signaled the start of the little ice age seem to be repeating. I’m really curious as to your opinion on the whole GSM theory.