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Tony HellerPLUS



Let Them Eat Bugs

  - 4:38

The push to demonize beef is the work of sociopaths, not scientists.






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May 14th 2021  

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Category: Politics



- 3 years ago  

How have the 'anthrogenic global warming' predictions turn out? There are natural climate variations that are NOT absolutely predictable. The current predictions of climatologists is that there is ZERO variation and any variation is due to human causes. This is wholly erroneous. Yet, during the last century there was cooling, warming cooling and warming again noted. And every trend extrapolated into catastrophic predictions, UNTIL the trend reversed. Absolutely no historic memory in the public, the media, the elites, the political class or the experts that tempers the fear mongering. There is a fable, 'the boy who cried wolf', that comes to mind. Certainly there are bad faith actors that are exploiting this fear to their own agendas.


- 3 years ago  

Thanks Tony! It really is too bad that so many Sheep have bought in to this "climate alarmism" It has been proven through history that weather changes continuously based on so many variables. The Sheep, however are locked in to the cult of MSM. Whatever CNN, MSNBC, or other MSM say must be true... Sad/frightening days for the brainwashed...


- 3 years ago  

Plus, they take cellulose, and convert it into protein. Where I live, the land is too poor and the weather too extreme to grow arable crops. Sheep and cattle make good use of the land. Our Welsh lamb is the finest in the world.


- 3 years ago  

PEDOPHILES UNITED! They need to go to prison! Inmates have a JUSTICE SYSTEM better than what LIBs can ever allow us to entertain!!


- 3 years ago  

If anyone 40 years ago had told me that this sort of insanity would become reality, I would have laughed them out of the room. Now we are living in it. Thank you Tony for your continued work, as it is true.


- 3 years ago  

Unfortunately it gets worse. Democrat infested Congress is now registering full-tilt ignorance ...


- 3 years ago  

Thanks, Tony Heller! It's unbelievable, how these elitists lie to us, and use every chance to make life worse for us. Really, when they fear resource depletion and overpopulation, what they really mean is, they fear that we take away what they think belongs to them. I hope, the Gates's, Schwab's, Merkel's, Greta's of the elitist world are all held accountable very soon!


- 3 years ago  

Buffalo were decimated by Lincoln and his Pacific Railway Act of 1862. ————- President Lincoln signed the Pacific Railway Act of 1862 which gave two railroad barons Union Pacific and Central Pacific the federal aid to connect the Mississippi to the Pacific Ocean and free every 10th square mile of their choosing over the entire ROW length of the built railroad and any tributaries. The president was clearly a major railroad booster in the political world at that time. ————- These two railroads successfully built east to west this railroad completing it on May 10th, 1869 , well after Lincoln’s assassination. In operation it became obviously apparent that huge marauding herds of buffalo were making on-time railroad travel impossible. With the civil war over and the invention of the Buffalo rifle a large-calibre, generally single-shot firearm, the American buffalo from the 1870’s to 1880’s were hunted and into near-extinction by the late-19th Century. ————- The large American Buffalo other than an occasional Indian hunt had no real enemy or natural predators. Couple this with their lack of fear and low intelligence, herds of American Buffalo would graze in place without moving as railroad paid hunters killed one after another, eventually annihilating all the Buffalo in site or they would run out of ammo. Paid a nickel by the two ears or distinguishing chopped of buffalo body part, these hunters returned to their killing fields until the buffalo no longer roamed the plains to hold up the railroads schedules. ————- Lincoln’s Pacific Railway Act of 1862 gave for free every 10th square mile along the 1000’s of miles of built railway lines and their offshoots ROW out west along with guaranteed government backed financing, was a veritable gold mine for the railroad barons whose power and wealth rivaled the US Government’s out west and was considered even at that time just too much legalized aid and corruption for the railroad barons. The politicians of that day in Lincoln’s Pacific Railway Act of 1862 gave these two railroad barons financial aid and 1 in every 10 square miles of their choosing along the entire built railroad ROW. As for the extermination of the American Bison that was done to aid railroads to be on time and helped fence up the rest of the west into farms and ranches all within legal written deeds of land ownership. ————- The American Plains Indians didn’t stand a chance once their sole food source the buffalo were exterminated. They no longer roamed and hunted bison freely up and down the American Plains but slowly starved and they themselves were hunted as godless savages and removed from any and all lands that could be prosperous to eastern settlers. ————- For those of you curious about how it was really back then please read “Empire of the Summer Moon” by S.C. Gwynne. ————- As for Tony Heller’s vid here , he is spot on correct to note a near 100 million American Bison for millennia did no contribute to Global Warming and that claim is laughable. It seems preposterous to me that Mr. Heller actually needs to state this but these woke-joke kids seem to want to believe anything preposterous concerning the false claims of Global Warming. Thanks Tony for another great vid, keep them coming.


- 3 years ago  

10-15 years ago we would have never even listened to someone saying we should eat bugs to save the planet. In fact, we might have locked them up. But the brainwashing is doing its job with the help of the media, sports figures, billionaires, politicians and schools that tell kids that they can pick their own gender! The real problem is that we are listening now.


- 3 years ago  

Beautiful Tony. I was looking for one of your uplifting videos tonight because there is so much misery on line; magnets attaching to people's skin after the vaccine; Pastor Artur Pawloski in Canada being brutalised and incarcerated by so called 'police' for holding a service at Easter. Your today's video stating that there were 100 million buffalo and now there are about 98 million cattle just goes to show what garbage junk this unqualified rich creep talks along with his cronies. Their whole line of thinking and logic totally eradicated by a few lines of recorded history that their crass stupidity failed to observe. Thank you Tony for a simple and very uplifting video that is just so brilliantly simple and yet is overlooked by those who think they know it all. Superb yet again Tony. Please keep it coming.


- 3 years ago  

Ill never eat a bug I confirm Id rather eat a bat a brain or a worm ! Bugs are too gross and are horrible on toast Ill never eat a bug I confirm


- 3 years ago  

I was born free, and that is how I live. They may even kill me, but I will never be a slave!


- 3 years ago  

Bill Gates is really showing his limitations when he steps outside of computer science and mathematics. These billionaires become bored with their area of expertise and end up trying to control the masses of people to avoid doldrums of their mind.


- 3 years ago  

You give Bill Gates too much credit. He did not finish university, at least not before foisting DOS on the world, and he essentially stole the DOS operating system, and Windows was a rip off from Apple, which was Macintosh at the time.


- 3 years ago  

I’m a DOS Dinosaur and distinctly remember Bill Gates was a ruthless businessman. - - - Owning multiple Bill Gates Microsoft (MS) MS-DOS computers since 1984, right into the MS-Windows 95, 98, XP, 2003, Vista, 7 and now 10 era, I still remember using two great DOS programs, Lotus 1-2-3 and Word Perfect in MS-DOS back in the 80’s and 90’s. Both programs weren’t owned by Bill Gate’s Microsoft but dominated in the DOS era making them millions. ————- Curious when Windows 95 and 98 came out both Lotus 1-2-3 spreadsheet and Word Perfect word document programs couldn’t or wouldn’t work in these new Windows operating systems. But by this same time Microsoft finally developed a Windows competitor to Lotus 1-2-3 called MS-Excel and a Windows competitor to Word Perfect called MS-Word. Both MS products truly sucked initially and we were all sort of forced to use them but by the end of MS-Windows 98 life cycle they were OK. When MS-Windows XP operating system came out, Microsoft finally allowed Lotus 1-2-3 and Word Perfect to work in their Windows MS-XP operating system but by then they looked old and stodgy and it was curtains, finito, the end for both Lotus 1-2-3 and Word Perfect. Bill Gate’s Microsoft after only 5 years blocking their access to Windows 95 and 98 operating systems, finally had MS-Excel and MS-Word bundled in MS-95 and 98 and by the time the next operating system MS-XP came out we Microsoft users were inoculated MS-Excel and MS-Word users going forward. ————- One sunny day in the 2000’s driving on business in Colorado and listening to NPR (refrain listening to biased left NPR today), I heard a report that Microsoft had written a good number of Macintosh Apple’s business programs at that time. The NPR story went on to state Apple at that time had written one business program that was becoming more popular than an existing Microsoft written Apple based business program. To my amazement Microsoft threatened to pull all its Apple based business programs (called apps today) if Apple didn’t pull their more popular business program. Apple did pull their more popular program. ————- Bill Gates is a ruthless businessman and cannot be trusted. Gates will do anything if he deems it good for him, to hell with everyone else.


- 3 years ago  

Regardless, he managed to attain a net worth of $134 billion and now he is an embarrassment.


- 3 years ago  

Not an embarrassment but simply a ruthless maniacal power hungry businessman, who as you say is worth we’ll over 130 billion. Power (money) for certain corrupts but that much money in the hands of one man for certain corrupts absolutely. Quoting Lincoln: “I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country....corporations have been enthroned and an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until all wealth is aggregated in a few hands and the Republic is destroyed." ————- ‘Lincoln’s observation is prescient. But here’s the inconvenient truth: Some of the most powerful corporations of his time (Central Pacific and Union Pacific railroads) were wildly enriched by having a friend in one Abraham Lincoln.’ ————- I wonder how much money Bill Gates made as a businessman promoting that we Americans, all must be inoculated to get our soon to be covidian required travel passports? Maybe idle speculation by me but it does seem this is what Bill Gates was preaching openly and outwardly, so much so that even Tony Heller’s vids have shown Mr. Gates preaching this. I personally do not trust Gates. ————- I had and tested positive to having covid in January. It was not like any flu I’ve ever had over the years. Negative now but in PA decided to get Pfizer vaccine shot so I can officially stop wearing the mask. Going to vote today YES on 3 ballot initiatives to stop our PA Mid-wit Governor, who is a dictator from still requiring me to wear a mask, even though I’ve recovered and have anti-bodies and had the vaccine.


- 3 years ago  

The "World Economic Forum" which runs Agenda 21 wants us to eat bugs, and suffer under unreliable wind and solar power ...


- 3 years ago  

🙋‍♂️👍👍👍👍 I am 🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦


- 3 years ago  

What can l say, Bill Gates is insane, and his wife is leaving him, not because of the epstein thing, more along the lines of, poisoning the general population and having it blow up in his face and getting dragged before the courts, before he and his minions can achieve their 500m sicko future. I read yesterday on a trigger happy forum, that a Mother got both jabs, and her son came home from school, with a cold. He recovered in the usual way, and she was violently ill for weeks on end, due to her unbalanced immune system. So clearly unlike animal trials, not all humans will die immediately, and some will dread flu season for the rest of their lives, and maybe keeping up vitamin D, will reduce severity in the jabbed, but that is only speculation.


- 3 years ago  

The official number I hear about the fortune Bill Gates and his wife have amassed is around 100 billion dollars. Of course, nobody really knows how much it is because all of these billionaires sock away most of their cash in tax-free havens where there is no accountability of it whatsoever. However, from Bill Gates' own statement that for a 10 billion dollar investment in vaccines he's received a return of 20 times that number, one can easily say his hoard is over two hundred billion dollars. Melinda Gates is just as culpable for poisoning the entire world with their vaccines, in addition to this mRNA technology, so if there is any justice served on these people, she won't escape it.


- 3 years ago  

Claus Schwab is one of the most evil men on this planet. Gates and Soros are the nearest competitors. 🥺


- 3 years ago  

I can only agree.I look forward to their day of reckoning and hearing them squeal like the pigs that they are.


- 3 years ago  

I hope we won't have to wait much longer. Full disclosure is desperately needed. 🥴


- 3 years ago  

Well, we seem to be content to eat shrimp, prawns, lobster, crabs etc. They are bugs 🤣🤣 However, I do agree with Tony's points 100%


- 3 years ago  

Sea bugs are ok.


- 3 years ago  

Thank you.


- 3 years ago  

Rules for thee but not for me.