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Tony HellerPLUS



Erasing The Tropical Age

  - 16:14

The cynicism and fraud being committed by the Biden administration is unlike anything America has ever seen. In just three months they have completely destroyed science.






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April 29th 2021  

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Category: Politics



- 3 years ago  

Yeah, I remember the Global Freeze days, we even had Icebergs floating up the Chesapeake Bay; they were fun ! I miss those days. Now I have to get use to looking at women in Bikini's ...wink wink.


- 3 years ago  

Thank You TONY! Without your dedication many are learning about the PROPAGANDA from our own government! Unfortunately, the climate is just a small piece of the OBiden PIE they are shoving at us by their voluntary incarceration... **OWN NOTHING = U WILL B HAPPY! ** / ** BLACK LESBIANS MATTER ** / ** FASCIST ANTIFA = NOT FASCIST ** / ETC...


- 3 years ago  

Misinforming the public? No Toney, I understand you can't say it. So I'll say it for you. Joe fn Bidin and all the Demonrats Lie, Lie, Lie, that's what they do. If Jan. 6th didn't wake your ass up, then your lost. It's time to shut this bunch of hypocrites down. And make shure every one of them pay for the atrocities they have committed. Biden sucks, Trump Rocks.


- 3 years ago  

Why and how do our Blue City Dem politicians get away with fooling the unthinking 55% of Americans, who live in urban and suburban cities, that there is a Global Climate Catastrophe? It is due to a weather phenomenon known as “Urban Heat Islands”. This isn’t a myth and it affects both Urban and Suburban cities. ————- What are “Urban/Suburban Heat Islands”? For all US cities combined, ISA is the primary driver for increase in temperature explaining 70% of the total variance in LST. On a yearly average, urban areas are substantially warmer than the non-urban fringe by 2.9 °C. Abstract Impervious Surface Area (ISA) Land Surface Temperature (LST) (Blue Cities are 40% to 90% on average road and building impervious surfaces, while even suburbs can be 20% to 40% impervious surfaces. Paved or building impervious surfaces of only 10% to 20% on summer days retaining heat can heat the surrounding area 2F to 5F during the night if no rain.) ————- As a traveling salesman for 35+ years, averaging well in excess of 50,000 miles annually driving visiting clients (since the 2000’s my vehicles have had a temp gage), I can attest our Blue Cities are Red Hot in the summer Northeast averaging 5F to 10F hotter then the surrounding countryside. Especially on strings of sunny days. I prefer to drive in the night and I am simply amazed in the summer after sunny days, at the extremes between the cities and the countryside in temperature during even the dead of night, at still 5F to 10F hotter then in the cities. Most notable NYC (where I lived for 5 years) and the surrounding countryside. Baltimore has by far the worst “Urban Heat Island” in the summer and if these city dwellers don’t have air conditioning, I know why they shoot themselves! The absolute worse “Urban Heat Island” effect that I ever experienced was driving the DC beltway one summer when Obama was president. At 5am the temp was in the 100’s all along the DC I495 Beltway, I kid there not, simply amazing. Even south of DC in the countryside it stayed in the 90’s, that day and it was a scorcher all day in the 100’s sunny and humid, simply miserable weather. Haven’t experienced that before or after. ————- One caveat is I found if cloudy and raining a lot in the summer, the “Urban Heat Island” effect diminishes or disappears. Summers since 2015 I’ve noted many more rainy summer days and less marked “Urban Heat Island” effects. I would state things may be slightly cooling or at least as I have experienced living near Phila and driving in the Northeast.


- 3 years ago  

Typo: “at still 5F to 10F hotter then in the cities.” Should have been written “at still 5F to 10F hotter then in the surrounding countryside.”


- 3 years ago  

Agree. Regarding cooling -- China also agrees, which is why they are doing something about it ...


- 3 years ago  

Great vid, totally agree with it! Thanks for this video link, short but sweet 2:35 FACTS as it is. China gets it! America’s Dem ruling class thinks its only about stealing elections, hence why they push the farce that Global Climate Alarmism is caused solely by fossil fuel burning fly over GOP led states. ————- Good grief, it’s total madness in America and I’m surrounded by Dem liberals in PA who believe Biden and his climate czar John Kerry, that due to Global warming we need to shut down burning of all fossil fuels. ————- I plan to share this vid, thanks again.


- 3 years ago  

I reckon it is not only the impervious surface, but also ever more air conditioning and individual traffic that influences the micro climate. Thus, to adjust temp measurements to reflect regional trends instead of those of conglomerates only, measurements should be equalized down instead of up. Whilst these suckers fancy some adjustments in general, they "unexplicably" do not want these specific adjustments! Isn't that strange?


- 3 years ago  

Typo: ... "inexplicably" ...


- 3 years ago  

Politicians are typically liars, but that goes at least double for Democrats. Biden is a lying fraud and always has been. He even has lied for years and years about the nature of his first wife's death - what kind of slime would dishonor her memory by doing that?! I guess Biden the Usurper is the answer to that question.


- 3 years ago  

I read she died in a car crash. What did he lie about?


- 3 years ago  

He's lied for years that the truck driver involved in the accident with Biden's wife was drunk when he was not, and in fact it's likely that Biden's wife veered into oncoming traffic for whatever reason. The guy's now passed away and his family has asked Biden several times to stop lying about it, but he keeps doing so because he's a slimy POS.


- 3 years ago  

He's lied for years that the truck driver involved in the accident with Biden's wife was drunk when he was not, and in fact it's likely that Biden's wife veered into oncoming traffic for whatever reason. The guy's now passed away and his family has asked Biden several times to stop lying about it, but he keeps doing so because he's a slimy POS. Try here:

My Brighteon Channel

- 3 years ago  

A CNN senior executive was recently exposed by Project Veritas admitting ALL of Legacy News Media were preparing a sustained "years-long" propaganda campaign to sell Climate Change to the public. How can I NOT view these networks as the #EnemyOfThePeople? Unfortunately a significant percentage if the U.S. population have surrendered all critical thinking and have decided it is simply easier to be told their state of reality. The Matrix is real for these people. 😑


- 3 years ago  

CNN's technical director described what they do as producing "propaganda." I couldn't have put it better myself. They are not "news" and they don't employ "journalists" or "reporters," only scumbag propagandists and misinformation specialists.


- 3 years ago  

Excellent, as usual.


- 3 years ago  

Unfortunately these are the lies that are taught every day in schools though out America. I’m afraid the future is hopeless as long as we continue to send our children and grandchildren to public schools to be indoctrinated in the belief that big government is good and freedom is dangerous. We can teach our children ourselves or at a minimum try to offset the lies with truth. Thanks Tony for sharing some truth with us.


- 3 years ago  

📌This video is almost sensational. Tippy-toppy! Spread it, folks, spread it!


- 3 years ago  

Does this remind you of Winston in Orwell's book 1984. Wasn't it his job to remove people and things from history. Hmm...


- 3 years ago  

What is the most outrageous is that they are spewing this garbage onto children! Think about it! Can it get more evil ??? Is it to late? I do not know, but it does not look good. Thank God for Tony showing the truth! AND HIS LITTLE DOG TOO !!!


- 3 years ago  

That's not the half of it. Many schools in the U.S. now teach straight-up racism to children in the form of "critical race theory." It's just been banned in Idaho and other states need to follow suit before it's too late.


- 3 years ago  

There's no fraud like a liberal fraud. They even lie to themselves. Makes them difficult to deal with if you have a rational mind. Talking with them is like trying to describe an ice berg to a three-year-old Polynesian toddler. The same confused look and tilt of the head. Only with liberals that expression quickly turns to anger and other less pleasant reactions. Now with Biden as president - which is of course completely bogus - those other less pleasant reactions rule the nation. I'm hoping we have another year before the inevitable crunch but I wouldn't bet on it.


- 3 years ago  

Attenborough is a shameless fraud. I couldn't get past 20 minutes of that blatant propaganda flick, 'The Year Earth Changed'. I felt sick to the stomach with anger at the clear manipulation of minds they were attempting to perform. I feel sad for those poor gullible souls who fell for it.


- 3 years ago  

Does anyone actually believe the nonsense coming out of NASA or other US government agencies anymore? Everything has been politicized to the extent that science is no longer reputable. God help us all.


- 3 years ago  

we are going into a Ice age ... 4000 years we will be in a deep ice age which will last 100,000 years ... its a regular cycle 100,000 years of ice age then 12,000 years of warming then another 100,000 years of ice age etc. The sun controls the climate.


- 3 years ago  

Absolutely correct about the coming cooling climate, and China is preparing for it ...


- 3 years ago  

Had to correct the China video link ...