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This is what we call "Evidence"

  - 0:59

ev·i·dence /ˈevədəns/ noun the available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or valid. "the study finds little evidence of overt discrimination" Now what?






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September 5th 2022  

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Category: News



- 2 years ago  

There's another video that shows her with one foot in the window frame when she was struck in the neck by the bullet, she bled out on the floor, you can see the blood. This is not what occurred.


- 2 years ago  

No, there is no video as you state and what blood? It reported to be a .45 she was shot with at close range! Wheres the blood! I have posted other videos show the whole thing, even the fake swat members to 6 people in that area seen at Antifa & BLM events and non of them are in jail? You watched the round fired, blast that piece of wood 3 feet away from her. Believe what you want, its still evidence!


- 2 years ago  

Bullshit - She fell out of the window!


- 2 years ago  

Here, This goes in depth. But this is it, I'm tried helping you out more then most! Your on your own from here. (Its real easy! Its right there) People are going to think things! Trust me! Good luck brother! Everyone is seeing it now! Don't be the last!


- 2 years ago  

You're seeing falling glass and supposing it's the bullet. There's nothing to see here. Don't call me brother asshole, your disinformation is busted.


- 2 years ago  

How you can't see the top of the stick being blown apart is odd, almost as odd as the cops, SWAT & the agent had no radios at all? That's almost impossible. Only an idiot thinks that's ok!


- 2 years ago  

I don't get it. What am I looking at?


- 2 years ago  

There are other videos of the "Shooting of Ashli Babbitt" This is an angle of that event, where the round fired hit a piece of wood 3 feet in front of her and didn't hit her. He points his weapon away just before firing. This, as shocking as it is, happened!


- 2 years ago  

She was shot in the neck


- 2 years ago  

@asedigive | I already knew the Ashli Babbit thing was bogus, but how does a guy knocking his selfie stick into the wall equal a bullet hitting the wall?


- 2 years ago  

How you can't see the top of the stick being blown apart is odd, almost as odd as the cops, SWAT & the agent had no radios at all? That's almost impossible. Only an idiot thinks that's ok!


- 2 years ago  

@asedive What I was asking was exactly that. What am I looking at? I see the selfie stick. I see him hitting it against the wall. I don't see it getting blown apart. The video is far too grainy to make anything like that out. Still, I already knew the Ashli Babbit thing was fake. I've seen many of the other videos that make that obvious, including the way the police acted (didn't act) after the supposed shooting.


- 2 years ago  

It was a satanic ritual. "As above so below" is the satanic mantra. In these hoax events, at least two things are taking place: they are socially engineering the outcome they desire using Hegelian dialectic of problem, reaction, solution; and second they are engaging in satanic human sacrifice rituals in the underworld below your feet of Sheol, Gehenna, and the Netherworld, the house of the dead, and showing you above what is being done to actual people below: "as above so below" - The Lord's Prayer is: "as it is in heaven, so also on earth". See the difference? Repent in the name of Maran Eashoa M'Sheekhah the Nazarene! Our Lord comes next as the second angel of the Apocalypse! Amen. January 6th DC RIOT & Shooting Irrefutable Truth in Minutes! thanks!