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  - 6:39

Fight evil where you see it.






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Uploaded a year ago  

April 12th 2023  

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Category: Health And Wellness



- a year ago  

Matt Walsh is amazing. As Michael Knowles has said, Transgender ideology SHOULD BE eradicated. There is absolutely NOTHING positive about the transgender movement. It's strictly a mental illness approved and celebrated by crazed leftists.


- a year ago  

Great post! Thanks! It's more than an ideology when there is a specific agenda from the killers of mankind TO HARM YOU LETHALLY; WAKE UP TO THE WAR FOR YOUR BODY, MIND, HEART, AND SOUL!!! YOU WERE ALL JUDGED IN THE GREAT DAY OF JUDGEMENT AND THE SEXUALLY DEPRAVED WILL PERISH! WHAT THEN? It is abomination for a man to dress like a woman, it is abomination for a woman to dress like a man; it is abomination for a man to lay down with a man, it is abomination for a woman to lay down with a woman!!! Baphomet is a type of demonic carnivorous creature from below your feet that is gender inverted; don't fall for the lies of demons! You are worshipping the works of demons which is the sin idolatry! You are ALL worshipping the works of demons when you heed to what the man of sin 666 fork tongued devils parrot to you from Satan by pretending that they know what's "good" for you on TV, radio, film, internet, print media, video games, music, etc. Woe to those who call good evil and evil good! ALL workers of abomination and blasphemers are being removed from the earth forever! - One Enoch. REPENT in the name of Maran Eashoa M'Sheekhah the Nazarene! Amen.


- a year ago  

This video interview of Yuri Brezmenov shows at least partly how the West has come to this point of utter madness:


- a year ago  

Know your enemy, Yuri is Bilderberg Group, they foment both sides of every war from behind closed doors with their 'Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars' war against all flesh since 1952. Yuri wants you to feel defeated and so he shares this harsh reality knowing you will ingest it and it will make your stomach sour, just like My Testimony does in part, except Yuri offers you no solution because he's the evil pile of dung manufacturing the solution in secret. Only cowards wage silent wars! Repent in the name of Maran Eashoa M'Sheekhah the Nazarene! Amen.


- a year ago  

The typical ill-thought-out response from Sarrah. If one sees nothing conspirators around every corner and in every person, tell me then just exactly who one will ever be able to trust? You need to learn the concept of discrimination because you definitely do not have a developed sense of it. In the case of Yuri Bezmenov, it hardly serves the purpose of what he is talking about to expose it. In fact, it is the very act of exposing it that will lead to its defeat.