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Tony HellerPLUS



What Has Changed?

  - 2:20

Originally uploaded to by Sydney Watson Everyone needs to watch this video.






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Uploaded 3 years ago  

March 24th 2021  

File Size: 8 MB

Category: Politics



- 3 years ago  

Rewind our society timeline back some 60 years and you find the seed that has brought us here. That is the beginning of our once great society turning our backs to Jesus, God and the teachings and underpinnings of our western society, that is the Christian based values that even our secular laws and ways were built on. It is not hard to see it if you rewind our society time line back some 60 years. The false raising of elitist men into gods as they then stand as a roadblock to the people and their true God and their Lord Jesus Christ is our failing. These elitists think they will win by doing Lucifer's work by keeping people away from their one true God..... They will fail but they in their Luciferian led arrogance cannot see their pending failure.


- 3 years ago  

God will be a saviour!! 🤗... But which god!!?... 🤔


- 3 years ago  

For the GoatFooker666, that “god” is the holy state, and it’s priests are the globalists like Soros, Bill Gates and that little retarded prophet that sees invisible gasses and acts out her shame scripts like a 3rd generation actor. Cant wait until your God comes and punishes you for your ecological sins, huh? As long as he punishes everyone with you so you don’t have to suffer alone anymore.


- 3 years ago  

62 million


- 3 years ago  

well said


- 3 years ago  

What has changed?  Let’s go further back to the 1800’s to today.  Prior to 1800 the planet never had a billion inhabitants from the beginning of time to 1800 but sometime in early 1800’s the world’s human population reached a billion.  At that time the only modes of transportation were boats with sails or oars and horses, camels, elephants and other beasts of burden.  Then came between 1890 to 1910 the coal fired steam driven ships and in 1850 to 1920 the iron horse or coal fired train. You would think it might take another 250,000 years for the 2nd billion inhabitants worldwide to exist but you would be dead wrong or alive wrong, the next billion or two billion inhabitants worldwide occurred about 100 years later in the 1930’s.  ————- With the advent of electric power generation or power grid starting in the 1890’s to the present and both the introduction in the 1900’s of the gas petroleum powered car, trucks, dozers, excavators... and prop to jet engine (1940’s) airplane, the next billion worldwide inhabitants or 3rd billion occurred in the early 1960’s or only after 30+ years, the planet increased by yet another billion worldwide.  ————- So what indeed did change?  Nothing much up to the 1900’s.  Up to the 1900’s 90+% of the worlds population lived in the agrarian rural countryside worldwide and about 5% in cities not counting suburbs.  Also from BC to AD 1900 the human average age life expectancy worldwide was and had always been around 30 years of age.  Another hard fact worldwide was 4 to 5 babies born out of 10 from BC to AD 1900, died before they reached the age of 10 years old.  Of the 5 or 6 who did live past 10, only about 60% would live to have kids and pass on their healthy weeded out properly functioning normal DNA.  This natural state deciding who lived and who didn’t for 250,000+ years of human occupation worldwide, FORTIFIED mankind and its minions DNA, to live within herds or large groups of similar tribes using religion, one God, to further FORTIFY their similar like groups survival.  The 7 main groups by the 1900’s who exist today are the 1-Chinese Continent, 2-Indian Continent, 3-European Continents, 4-Middle-eastern regions, 5-African Continent,  6-Pacific Island nations and last 7-Indigenous North and South American Continents, who this last group have not faired well in the last two hundred years due to European expansion into their America continents.  (Not going PC here but just stating facts. Another clear fact is each of the 7 human groups prior to 1900 and in ways right up to today are in a battle to the death to claim their groups share of the worlds resources.) ————- What has REALLY changed worldwide by 2021!  One (1) baby out of 100 born today (not aborted) dies before they are 10 years of age, not 40% to 50% die by 10 but 99% live well past 10, meaning since 1900 to today, natural selection or the ability of normal people with above average strong DNA only passing on their DNA, are now no longer the only ones living and passing on their DNA but nearly all of us born these past 100 years, can and are having children. ————-  I myself whose mother and father conceived me in the late 1950’s were in their late 30’s and all 4 of their children, my siblings, are living into our old age! Prior to 1900 this would have been a statistically amazing fact but not so since the 1900’s.  The anthropology professor who taught me this on YouTube recently is Edward Dutton PHD Oxford, he himself if born prior to the 1900’s would have assuredly died at birth as he was a very premature born baby.  Hell, half of us living today worldwide would not have lived prior to 1900’s but nearly all of us born today do live and into our 70’s on average.  ————- This is what has changed in the world and hasn’t ever occurred in the history of mankind prior to 1900!  Anyone not aborted, only 1% die by age 10 or 99% live to a life expectancy today of 70+ worldwide.  Since the early 1960’s worldwide population is increasing by one new billion every 12 to 15 years.  Today 2021, we have a worldwide population of 7.9 billion.  Remember 90% of the world’s population lived on rural farms from BC to AD 1900’s.  Well that has changed or flopped decidedly to the reverse these past 100+ years since 1900 and now 55% of the world’s population lives in cities, with 1 in 8 worldwide living in mega cities of 10 million or more city dwellers.  By 2050 nearly 70% of the worlds population will live in cities with 500,000 residents or more.  ————-  Of the nearly 8 billion alive today, half shouldn’t be alive and that probably includes myself. Natural selection, creating the strongest DNA for each of the 7 main human groups, who for generations survived with only 30% to 40% in each generation passing on their normal strong DNA, creating what we called “normal families” of self sustaining, hard working, religious societies, “doesn’t exist anymore”.  It is replaced by half the planet consisting of blue city liberal woke people’s worldwide at odds with the other half striving to remain as they were in red conservative normal families, still trying to be self sufficient, religious, hard working folk in the rural farmlands and purple suburbs.  ————- As Elon Musk laments, robots will work much more productively than humans even on farms in the near future.  So unless we accept universal basic income now or before robots and driverless vehicles take over the world, we humans will soon become permanently unemployable and discontinued as we will be obviously uncompetitive with the next robotic era of technology and this era is coming faster then past technological changes since the 1900’s.  ————-  Tony Heller’s clear and concise facts showing over the 1000’s or 10,000’s of years that plant food (CO2) has had no or negligible causation on the planet warming or cooling and using the media’s own past articles to prove this same point, just shows how laughable the click-bait current media is in preparing the overflowing minions of billions worldwide to come to terms with our true plight as a species on this small blue watery planet.  (Of course if any mag/rag tried to express the plight humans are  really in today and our true divisions “normals” and “mega city Dem woke joke libs” are in, I suspect no advertiser would ever approve their ads in this media outlet.  So we are doomed to continue reading click-bait vomited Climate Alarmist propaganda crap or at least half the blue city dwellers will read it and believe it, while the other half, “normals”, will try to ignore the blue city politicians and their mega city minions and try only to focus on their families, hard work and keeping God in their lives.) —- —- —- Media and their Blue City lib politicians and their collected Dem write-in voters (to lazy to really go vote) think they are backed by science and facts but rather they are just Blue City woke spiteful maladaptive DNA woke joke lib humans, who are the 50% who wouldn’t have lived prior to the 1900’s. They want to create their utopian new mega cities with Build Back Better green energy, a non-petroleum and non-coal based electric powered world without any conservative workers, by emphasizing passive solar energy and wind power electric generation, robotic workforce and the creme-de-la-creme AI driverless cars, trucks, dozers, excavators... , so the Blue Cities and their woke politicians ruling their Blue mega city minions will never ever again have to rely on a single rural and/or suburban conservative worker to live in their emerald mega worldwide cities. ————- Whose extinction will it be? The normals” or “woke jokes”. If I was betting man I would choose a third group, Elon’s suggested new world populated by “cyborgs”. If that occurs, at least it would be quick for all of us, both human groups “normals” and “woke jokes”, probably as quick as it was for the dodo birds extinction. ————- For those idiot cultist woke jokes still holding on to Global Catastrophe due to plant food (CO2) warming the planet, watch Tony Heller’s videos and get a life or stay FUp dodo birds! For the normals we need to focus on real issues not woke jokes cultist made up calamities, like plant food will cause the End-Of-Times.


- 3 years ago  

Brave New World... are we there yet Huxley?


- 3 years ago  

Well killing babies has become ok! Boys being girls and girls being boy has become ok! Sex with everyone has become ok! Open border and Islamic terrorist ha become ok! Bad immigration system has become ok!


- 3 years ago  

Well, the oldest person ever registered lived to be 122 years old. I suggest, people make choices they have a fair chance to be able to live with. A hundred years of regret is a bit much! 😊


- 3 years ago  

Every civilization becomes extinct. History tells us that. This civilization is no acception. We are not Gods. Nor are eternal.


- 3 years ago  

We used to have several state mental hospitals in my state (Illinois) and the government shut them all down.


- 3 years ago  

My high school had a student smoking lounge


- 3 years ago  

Maybe the students at your high school got cancer from smoking at the lounge, but the boys going to the gun range at my wife's high school never shot anybody..


- 3 years ago  

My wife's high school in Texas had a gun range.


- 3 years ago  


Happy Peasant

- 3 years ago  

40 years ago we were Christians, it was OK, and we had the Lord's prayer in school. The word says , those that hate God love death.


- 3 years ago  

Christians have never killed lots of people, right?

Happy Peasant

- 3 years ago  

Check your history CarastohicNE. Which christian killed lots of babies and innocents? Under christianity, they could be rejected as hypocrits. Now you have rule by the rich and the powerful. You and I don't matter to them.


- 3 years ago  

He makes an excellent point. I'd add that there are also the SSRIs and single mothers. That's also a disaster.

Flat Plane 2020

- 3 years ago  

Kids addicted to computer games have lost their sense of reality.


- 3 years ago  

That, and that television/movies have become way more "real" to children as they are developing their sense of self, and how they interact with others. Old CRT screens with pixels you could see, were obviously not real. Now infants grow up in front of images of people and things that they can't differentiate between things that are real.

Dan Bullard presents

- 3 years ago  

The Pill has removed children from homes all over America, and since humans are meant to have children, they become mentally unstable and unable to cope without a purpose, that purpose if keeping your children fed and safe.


- 3 years ago  

People having children that they can't afford in our current society, or that they aren't psychologically or socially mature enough to care for, doesn't solve anything.

Zero Bubble

- 3 years ago  

The west is a culture that consumes its own to sustain itself - it is utterly doomed. It has the nature of a vampire, sucking out the life of the living to sustain the dead. The SARS-CoV-2 "vaccines" are simply the icing on the devil's birthday cake.


- 3 years ago  

Oh cool, a mercantile of despair. Just what we need. How much for the suicide pills to go with my self loathing?


- 3 years ago  

He's right. As a teenager, I and my friends used to ride through our town on our bikes (because we couldn't yet drive), each carrying a rifle, on the way to the local shooting range. The good old days. Back then, no one had to lock their cars at night either.


- 3 years ago  

When I was 14, in 1955, I took a bus from Englewood to down town Denver to the Dave Cook Sporting Goods Store. I walked in, put $75 on the counter and walked out with two M1 Garands, still in cosmoline. No ID's required, no questions asks. I got back on the bus and went home. No one paid any attention or even cared. At my high school that had an after school gun training class. Kids brought their .22 rifles to school and put them in their lockers to keep until class after school. I frequently road my bike into the country side to go hunting with the rifle strapped to my back. No one paid any attention, no one cared. Police would drive by without even looking my way. Porn mags were wrapped in cellophane and kept behind the counter, to be purchased only by "adults". That legal "evasion" didn't keep the porn mags out of the hands of juveniles. The pictures they contained, women photographed wearing only bras and panties, are now part of every day lingerie ads, except in today's ads the women pose more sexually provocative and the clothing is designed with the same attitude in mind. Today porn itself has become hard XXX rated and the focus is entirely on women's genitalia in the most dehumanizing way possible. However, today it is more than just making easy money from porn. NetFlix recently released a film titled "Cuties", which exploits prepubescent girls in the most horrible ways imaginable. The ad blurb reads: "Eleven-year-old Amy starts to rebel against her conservative family’s traditions when she becomes fascinated with a free-spirited dance crew." It's not about porn. Porn is used as the "free-spirited" way to subvert the conservative (read Christian) values Amy was taught by her parents. It's about political subversion. The battle is "against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places" Eph 6:12


- 3 years ago  

Nothing like being able to own the gun of your choice for your own personal safety hey!!. Get into boys & girls!!! Cheep as!... & That's the amazing America that we all love that has the freedom to do whatever you want!!! 🥰 🤗.


- 3 years ago  

You don’t like guns, tiny sperg? Why don’t you like guns?


- 3 years ago  

I'd lend you a .50 to blow your brains out, but you have no brains to be blown out! You've clearly got the attention span of a monkey chewing on a plastic fly swatter. What is it with you meddlesome fags from the u.k. and Australia always inserting yourselves into our politics, is it because you have no control over your lives and so you try to brow beat everyone else into joining you in your hell?


- 3 years ago  

I have plenty of control of my life thanks 🤗... You may think you do!!. Until someone blows your brains out for no reason known, other then that of their own!!!


- 3 years ago  

This vaccine casualty isn’t from the UK or Australia. He’s a little goat fooker paid troll in some shit hole like India.


- 3 years ago  

GOD IS THE KEY FACTOR! Morals and values change when god is removed. Look how the country has changed - when Martin Luther King was alive, God and no violence were the key factors is resolving issues - today Democrats don’t even speak of the ways he brought the communities together, church pastors walked with him. On Sunday the streets were empty - everyone was in church - today the Democrats have pushed out God, shut down churches, stood silent while in 2020 buildings burnt, businesses and homes were looted, and women, men, and children were killed while BLM & Antifa walked the streets. Big Tech pushes porn and corruption but people are the Ultimate ones who either take the high road or low road. Democrats have sold their souls for corruption and greed - lying is a common daily activity with them.


- 3 years ago  

God has been taken out of school.


- 3 years ago  

Yep. People used to be much more respectful and responsible. Today, it’s a big pity party with a blame game.


- 3 years ago  

America no longer values values. There simply aren't any.


- 3 years ago  

Amen to that brother