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Tony HellerPLUS



The 1974 Ice Age Scare

  - 12:20

1974 was full of extreme weather and fears of global cooling. Experts blamed the extreme weather on the cooling.






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April 3rd 2021  

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Category: Politics



- 3 years ago  

So why was the world having an ice age scare again!!?. Do you really know the answer!??. Or do you just watch, Tony videos!!! 😝... 1974 hey!. Yeh there was some pretty fucked up kinda weather going on, all around the world. But hasn't that always happened!!?. The difference is the extremities & all the pollution we are producing!!!. Right!?? 🤔... Let's just remember that the industrial revolution started in the 1700's!!. By 74 we were really starting to kick in with all the good stuff that comes with & from burning fossil fuels!!. C02 sitting at around 330ppm was the least of our worries at that time!. Though it was & is very well known at the time & now, the effect's of just one of the many pollutants we were & are still producing!!. Well yes, of course you could believe all the media hype at the time! Including the Tony's of today!!. That need headlines to sell!!!. Obviously cherry picking was strong back then too!. Though the science knew what was going on!!. Then hello & presto!!!. The clean air Act was established!!. Good thing the politicians listened to the science back then yeh!!? 🤔. Hey a bit of lead in the brain can't hurt right 👍. Just ask Tony's followers!! 😝... So here you all are still believing the media hype & people like the Heller that only have their own best interests involved in what they say & present to you!!!. Is that for any particular reason do you think!!? 🤔. Like personal, political, religious &/or financial needs & beliefs portraying into propaganda to further their personal agenda or agendas!!... Isn't it funny how Tony tells you not to believe modern science & media yet basically tells you to believe the science & media of yesteryear that he shows!!! 🤔. Because apparently today we & they have all been corrupted now & don't know what they are talking about!!. They are all just supporting the political agenda of the left!. Right!!... It's communism & back to living in a cave & the dark ages for you & everyone else now!!! 😝... Got your gave ready yet!??... So, we all believe the science of yesteryear do we!??. Or just that of the cherry picking part that Tony tells you & show's you!!? 🤔. Science is forever learning!!. & If you're not learning something new everyday! Well you might as well be dead!!!... I'd so love to see all the scientific studies out there that shows & proves that man made C02 & all the other pollutants that we are pumping into the atmosphere everyday, isn't causing global climate change & global warming!!. You know, that thing they call, man made climate change!!!. Yeh!. Anthropogenic man made global warming!!. I think it's also called, AGW for short 😝. Or is it, for sure!!? 🤔.... Btw!! I just had to say @.40 seconds part's of Australia received more than 1000mm of rain in recent the flooding!!. Records are meant to be broken, right!!?.. @1.04!! The burn acreage was majority inland grass land's!. Not semi tropical & tropical forests & bushland that has never burnt with such ferocity & devastation before, causing sever damage to the natural ecosystems that will take hundreds of years to replace!!. That is if we don't get more fires coming through before it has a chance to recover!!... @1.28 Darwin got evacuated did it!!?. So why did people start moving back after a year!!? 🤔... Meanwhile, keep listening to Tony's story telling times, inbetween all the bullshit!! 😝. He's good at jumping hey!!. It seems all that practice at the University with the skip rope payed off!!. As I doubt any of the bikini girls would have been interested in him!! 😝. Just take a look at him!!!. Married with kids do you think!!? He's such a grumpy fuck too!!.. @2.05 Time magazine published an article! Titled, Another ice age!!. Did anyone notice the question mark!!? 🤔. Did anyone even read the article!?? Or did you just go with the flow of what Tony was saying while staring the video!??. Can you even do two things at one!??... @5.33 Climate experts believe, on recent evidence, an ice age 'could' come sooner than anyone 'expected'!!. If a hot house that is unsustainable for humanity, is coming! What can we do to stop it!! 🤔... @9.49 The dude died of natural causes!!!. Then again, maybe he had, pre existing conditions!! 😝 🙄... @11.38 You guys went the easy root!!. The business as usual rootl!!! 🤗. Instead of being the world leader of new technologies!! Like you would have done, like yesteryear!!. Instead choosing to stick with & believe a fossil!!!... Poor Lindsey Buckingham hey, at least that should get everyone on your side Tony!!. Though maybe he had a pre existing condition too!!? 😝... Understand the trumpet! The environmental damage was outstanding!!. But hang on!. Let's think about those poor little eagles!. Please stand for a minute of silence, shale we 😇... All in all, classic Tony bullshit propaganda cap again that basically has said nothing of any value!!! 👹. With nothing making any sense of Tony's thoughts & beliefs!!... Prove your theory's Tony!!!. Or is it that you can't do that either!!?... Instead of relying on the internet & blogosphere to cause more division!!. Why don't you publish all your findings Mr.!!?... So ok people of the following kind!!. Do you have one eye, or two!!?.


- 3 years ago  

Nurse ratchet let you out of the padded room and you earned some computer time by taking your meds, I see.


- 3 years ago  

Do you have anything to say about the Little Ice Age (cold), the Medieval Warm Period (hot), the Dark Ages (cold), the Roman Climate Optimum (hot), and/or other real climate change? You are the "Climate Denialist". You are a climate bigot.


- 3 years ago  

Maybe learn a little about Australia's history. You think the place never burned before?


- 3 years ago  

And if you think girls are not interested in Tony, you don't know that he is recently engaged to a very lovely woman. I am happy for Tony and his special lady friend, and Toto and his lady friend.


- 3 years ago  

When did plant food (CO2, basic building block for almost all life on Earth) become "pollution"? Answer: when someone figured out how to create a money scheme to line their pockets. Wake up, climate bigot, climate denialist.


- 3 years ago  

Hey retard666. Yes it has happened before. Are you that stupid to not understand that it has? Oh so the 3 ice ages the world had JUST HAPPENED OVER NIGHT.... according to you (the retard) There was never a lead in, there was never a warm period in between either. It is said the world started out as a molten ball of rock which cooled, so in your infinite wisdom how is it that it could not become again? When are you going to get it that man has no control over what happens on earth? The climate changes constantly and it has sense time immortal. How hard is that to understand? Oh, I forgot for a second.... YOU are a RETARD (look it up). You and your ilk are the only ones causing division retard, and like I said before the world would be a better place if you and your kind would just off yourselves. Then the rest of us could get on with living full and productive lives instead of having to hear your mindless garbage. I would like to point out (your quote retard)(All in all, classic Tony bullshit propaganda cap again that basically has said nothing of any value!!!) Yet Tony did give you evidence. Tony did question the narrative. Tony gave you your own sides study's and graphs. Tony just ask questions with critical thinking. (some thing you obviously are not capable of)..... Now lets see.... What did you say? Why nothing at all. You might think you are so smart, but from my point of view, you lack even the commonest intelligence of a human being. You are not a moron (look it up) you are a RETARD (look it up). The more you post retard666 the more you make that point clear. You should really go back to your hole under the rock and only visit cnn websites, they as fellow retards will welcome you with open arms


- 3 years ago  

Bandit6, me thinks that hast gone over his head.


- 3 years ago  

He said she said!!. Yeh well I believe the fucken cat!!!... You guys stick with the dog!! 👍 😝


- 3 years ago  

Milankovitch cycles.


- 3 years ago  

The sun shines all the time a friend pointed out to me many years ago. It is just that many times we cannot see it. The same can be said of the truth. And, of course, those with their eyes closed cannot see at all. Except the back of their eyelids. From that darkness (and probable hallucinations) they attempt to lead others while claiming to be able to see better than others. You know, "experts". The one constant in these assertions is that they generate fear in those who believe in them. Yes, the human race has gone completely mad. And they aren't returning any time soon to sanity. They are heading in the wrong direction for that to happen.


- 3 years ago  

Another cooling prediction, from Joe Bastardi on Fox News, 2011.


- 3 years ago  

Yes, I think TH is about all climate predictions since they're all wrong.


- 3 years ago  

@Outrigger The difference, and please point out why this would be wrong, is that the minority of scientists in the 1970s who were predicting a coming ice age based it on the levels of pollution and it reducing solar irradiance. The latest instances (within the last decade or so) of a coming ice age are not from scientists, but people like Bastardi or the Heartland Institute.


- 3 years ago  

I don't care about Bastardi. He's irrelevant to this video, and his Global cooling beliefs are just as dumb as the current CO2 global warming non-sense and the global cooling beliefs of most of the climate scientists in the 1970s.


- 3 years ago  

I do not think you got the point. The point is "all the climate predictions have been wrong" "ALL OF THEM" Prove me wrong....


- 3 years ago  

notmev, hey! You're back. Did you get a chance to learn about the Little Ice Age (cold), the Medieval Warm Period (hot), the Dark Ages (cold), and the Roman Climate Optimum (hot) yet? Here's something to get you started on your quest for reality about the Maunder Minimum and the effects of the Sun on Earth.


- 3 years ago  

@notmev John Holdren was one of those "scientists" who believed in global cooling. Later he went on to work for U.S. President Barack Hussein O'bama. He wrote a book with a couple other idiots about it too.


- 3 years ago  

Looks like we have the same old fuckwits down here too!!


- 3 years ago  

Joe is right. According to the Milankovitch cycles we've passed the tipping point. Plus, I moved down here to Florida to stay ahead of the next glacier cycle, which will drive up the land prices down here -- so buy now -- sell later. And we all know global warming brings global cooling -- at least according to climate genius John Holdren ...


- 3 years ago  

I wish some kindhearted soul would inform the adult Americans about the existence of the phenomenon, building codes. Even little kids know about "The Three Little Pigs" who finally learned how to build a solid house.


- 3 years ago  

Regarding sea level change, building codes are not needed. The natives years ago just picked up their huts and moved them inland as the seas rose -- and then moved back when the seas lowered. Eze-Peze. Fortunately for us, we now have our Climate Czar who will save us all ...


- 3 years ago  

Well, Tony Heller just destroyed the lie that the Global Cooling scare was the result of just one Time magazine article. I do remember the Time magazine article, but the scare was a LOT more tan just one article. The belief in global cooling was pervasive. The climate scientists of the day scared the daylights out of me, a young impressionable college student.


- 3 years ago  

I remember the Leonard Nimoy show that Tony showed the clip from. Another "scientist" who believed in global warming was Obama's "science" guy John Holdren. Here is a link to an article about it.


- 3 years ago  

Billington - Yes, 'In Search Of' with Leonard Nimoy. Great series. And they did a bang up job on their 'In Search of the Coming Ice Age'. This Holdren guy is pathetically funny. Hey, if human CO2 emissions are holding off the coming Ice Age, then i'm really for it.


- 3 years ago  



- 3 years ago  

LOL!!! Totally to the point, can not predict the weather tomorrow much less 50 to 100 years into the future