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Tony HellerPLUS



Ice Doesn't Lie - But Climate Scientists And Politicians Do

  - 20:46

“The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history.” — George Orwell






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Uploaded 3 years ago  

April 19th 2021  

File Size: 325 MB

Category: Politics



- 3 years ago  

God said that the earth will continue no matter what so all this bullshit about global warming and all that crap is all lies!!! Anyone pushing that bullshit should be shot on site! It's just another way for the super rich to get richer!!!


- 3 years ago  

There may be some flaws in your logic. Promoting a direct violation of the ten commandments contradicts your own belief system.


- 3 years ago  

Perhaps you can do a set of short educational series based on 20 year time segments dating from 1860 to present which would show that the industrial revolution and subsequent population boom did not produced temperature increases that ACC alarmist are claiming correlates to CO2 increases. Thank you for your work that helps my work in stopping this ACC madness.


- 3 years ago  

I was born in 1983.. therefore all the rise in fires must be my fault.


- 3 years ago  

You bastard.

Truth Sleuth

- 3 years ago  

And we all know... that "consensus" of 97% of climate scientists are political activists masquerading as scientists.


- 3 years ago  

Hey RETARD666..... 3,5,6,7 what ever your twisted mind is today. How about you prove that in places in the world the ground is not sinking? And in others it is rising? This is the earth, it does what it will, nor you or I can do anything about it. But you do not seem to get that point. You an pollute it all you want, you can try to damage it all you want, but in the end you are just a piss ant (no, you are a retarded son of a bitch [yes your mother is a dog]). Why don't you show all of us the damage from the oil tanker Valdez in the gulf of Alaska? Why do you not show us the damage from the world on fire in world war II? The fact is you can not. Go crawl back into the hole you crawled out of, or better yet, rid the world of your vile existence.


- 3 years ago  

Are you a little bit angry!!? 😝... Miss placed the medications!?? 🤔


- 3 years ago  

The Lord has said that the earth will continue no matter what so we can do anything to it and we cannot stop it period! Every prophecy in the Bible has come true 100% exactly as it was written and when Trump made the middle East peace agreement he fulfilled a major one! The Bible says that the Antichrist will make a peace agreement with Isreal and the middle east and then 3 and a half years later he will break it sending us straight into the worst part of the tribulation! We have less than 3 years before all hell breaks lose on earth so don't worry about climate crap!!!! Worry about wether your name is in the book of Life!!!!


- 3 years ago  

Of course continental plates have vertical movement over time. Usually slowly, sometimes quite rapidly. Pollution is most certainly affecting the ecosystem of the world. Currently there are substantial declines in insects, birds, and ocean life. There are also many human health problems that coincide with the increases in environmental/industrial pollutants, exposures to chemicals, the recent widespread use of plastics, and decline in nutrition in food combined with industrial farming practices (which are responsible for a lot of the chemical contamination of the environment). Thinking that these things has nothing to do with the increased use of new pesticides, and exposure to new chemicals, that hadn't existed or been used on that scale before, is 'hide your head in the sand' willfully ignorant logic. I almost think that that level of dissociation from evidence and reality must stem from counterintel by the corporations making hundreds of billions of dollars off of it.


- 3 years ago  

** WARNING WARNING WARNING ** . TH666#5(6,7,...) is a PSYCHOPATHIC ANTHROPOMORPHIC PEDOPHILE! WITH A PROFOUND FETISH FOR SWEDISH GIRLS w PONYTAILS THAT CAN SEE CO2. . . . . . . . Mr THUNBERG please keep your daughter in the basement TH666## is on the prowl....He likely can’t replicate due to hormone blockers but don’t take the chance!!!!!!! . .......... . . .............. ...................... . ** WARNING WARNING WARNING **


- 3 years ago  

Typo 80%


- 3 years ago  

Typo 80%


- 3 years ago  

One correction- 89% Less Upward movement for “80% of worlds tide gages trending up”


- 3 years ago  

That “In Search of...”. The Coming Ice Age (TV Episode 1978), released May 05, 1978 · The voice narrator was none other than Leonard Nimoy of Star Trek fame - Live Long and Prosper Mr. Heller and great job on another vid showing NASA’s hypocrisy and outright lying. ————- The individual tide gage info for the American continental plates east and west coast, shows clearly to me that the land is sinking in the east and rising on the west coast and I agree probably due more to continental plate movements. But somehow NASA was devilishly been able to show a HUGE 3.3 mm annual increase in worldwide ocean sea level. ———- But when you point out 80% of worlds tide gages are trending down not up, I want to scream at NASA’s OBFUSCATING nonsense! ———— When you showed NASA’s chart showing cooling in the 20’s, warming in the 50’s and then historically showing newspaper articles showing the opposite, that the 20’s were way hotter than the 50’s, well, good grief! ————- At least NASA can fly a drone in a near vacuum on Mars which is the equivalent of flying this same drone on Earth at 100,000’ with 11 Mbar pressure, actually a bit higher than 100,000’ as Mars air pressure averages out at 6 Mbar for air pressure. I do want to believe they did this.


- 3 years ago  

How about asking the people that are living it now!!... Oh, but anywhere, where that is happening, is sinking, right!!? 🤔... Don't we just love the media!. Right!??... Oh yeh, & don't forget about the cherry picking days!! 🤗


- 3 years ago  

Hey 666, do you ever worry you might be indoctrinated into common sense if you watch too many of these videos?


- 3 years ago  

Not at all!!... Do you!!? 🤔... Common sense, is debatable!!!


- 3 years ago  

But did you really watch the videos?


- 3 years ago  

There are only 3 variables that CAN increase global sea levels, land ice melting, expansion of ocean water by being warmer, or the addition of massive amounts of water from a comet. Everywhere that ice melts there is isostatic rebound from the loss of downward pressure on those landmasses. When land rises there needs to be depression somewhere else (because the Earth is basically a fixed volume), either another continental mass, or the seafloor. If it is seafloor that is depressed (from equalization of the land that rebounded/ from the weight of all that melted ice water) , then the average ocean levels as compared to continental plates, would cancel out.


- 3 years ago  

** WARNING WARNING WARNING ** . TH666#5(6,7,...) is a PSYCHOPATHIC ANTHROPOMORPHIC PEDOPHILE! WITH A PROFOUND FETISH FOR SWEDISH GIRLS w PONYTAILS THAT CAN SEE CO2. . . . . . . . Mr THUNBERG please keep your daughter in the basement TH666## is on the prowl....He likely can’t replicate due to hormone blockers but don’t take the chance!!!!!!! . .......... . . .............. ...................... . ** WARNING WARNING WARNING **


- 3 years ago  

I am with you Tony. I think God is with you also... God bless...


- 3 years ago  

see my video GROWIN ICE on old man vollox


- 3 years ago  

Yep, l also ran a study for Fort Denison, Sydney H, comparing the 1859 Google images image with present day, then several years for the last ten, to overcome Jupiter, the Moon and so forth. And after correcting for distortion, and such and matching all details found down to the cm, that there has been zero sea level rise for the last 160 years. Biden is too mentally retarded to do a simple Google Image search that a 12 year old could do within 10 minutes online! And maybe he should sniff more childrens hair, could help?


- 3 years ago  

Looks like the my recent video is making the liberals nervous ...


- 3 years ago  

Looks like the my recent video is making the liberals nervous ...


- 3 years ago  

Sorry about the double post. However, the liberals are also upset about this sea level rise video ...


- 3 years ago  

I found Gab's own site about the "Share Button"


- 3 years ago  

Where have the idiots gone?


- 3 years ago  

Their programmers are in between psyops right now, the covid psyops and the global warming psyops. So all the Shamebots are all just spiraling doer into nihilism, without a clue what their life’s meaning is. As soon as Soros issues the latest shame bulletin, they’ll be renewed with their incessantly posturing and virtue signaling righteous indignation that gives them a moments respite from their inner vacancy. Should be any day now that the msm starts back up the “save the planet” psyops.


- 3 years ago  

Just look one below!... Yeh, he's back!! 😝


- 3 years ago  

Looks like they do not understand the difference between weather and climate. You know, like they accuse us of doing. Two hot years in a row mean the end is nigh. Two cold years in a row means the end is nigh. The end is nigh seems to be their theme song. Their motto. Their goal. Fortunately, lies can't change the climate.


- 3 years ago  

From about the half-way mark the video jumps to the very end. Needs a fresh upload


- 3 years ago  

I didn't have that problem. Are you still using Tony's pulling back the curtain software?


- 3 years ago  

You need a Gab button, Tony Heller. 😊

Truth Sleuth

- 3 years ago  

I'm seconding that suggestion, Tony! I'd share to Gab for sure.