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Tony HellerPLUS



EPA Climate Change Indicators

  - 14:11

The breathtaking cynicism and fraud underlying the Biden administration's junk climate science, provides me with lots of good material for videos.






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May 23rd 2021  

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Category: Politics



- 3 years ago  

If the environment doesn't require 'protection' EPA is out of business. Have you ever tried disbanding a government bureaucracy? I think that is one of the six impossible things Alice thought of before breakfast.


- 3 years ago  

I'm so sorry. I moved to the Southwest USA hoping to see some of the astrological stuff I miss living in the Northern States. Last night I couldn't see the lunar eclipse due to the interference of green house gases. Some people call them clouds. Either way, they were a problem. CO2 was not an issue.


- 3 years ago  

We did see it in Florida, where is was a bit cooler ...


- 3 years ago  

Error 522 Ray ID: 65579b6178e5edf3 • 2021-05-26 14:13:56 UTC on your youtube channel here in spain.


- 3 years ago  



- 3 years ago  

Are we losing Tony? No email notifications for over a month. Real Climate Science website "Host error". Not much showing up here either.


- 3 years ago  

Stand by, boys and girls. The agendamorphs are stepping up the propaganda: Climate change disinformation is evolving. So are efforts to fight back Researchers are testing games and other ways to help people recognize climate change denial misinformation?utm_source=email&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=latest-newsletter- v2&utm_source=Latest_Headlines&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Latest_Headlines Bill Crofut


- 3 years ago  

Dear Larpy, ( Such a great name for you.) I'm so glad you found my words nourishing. Sadly, tragically, actual living organisms need other certain carbon based life forms in order to survive. And, if you throw in a much larger dose of CO2, many times higher than Earths current atmospheric ratio, these carbon based life forms will actually thrive! But, unlike you, a rather unique freakish exception, Earth based life can't survive on my brilliant words alone. That’d be quite a shame indeed. Also, one factor that really seems to hinder the prosperity or even survival of life on Earth is if it gets TOO FUCKING COLD! But, there are some rather primitives organisms with seemingly corresponding low intelligence levels to yours that are so simple in function, they can survive even in much colder than average conditions. So, you and your other simple brethren may actually thrive when the next Great Ice Age comes along. But, only if you can live the thousands of years it will take to arrive at tat epoch. That seems improbable. But, if you're as young and ignorant as you sound, you may survive the next few decades long chapter of the new Little Ice Age we are entering now. And, If you do, God help the ignorant fools who listen to you! God help the ignorant fools who listen to you now, if any? P.S. Enjoy your desert! You sound like an ignorant Marxist to me, but regardless of your politics, please eat up. Yum!


- 3 years ago  

Your predictions of the future is a reflection of what you want. Why do you want Marxist shit? You call me a Marxist based on nothing, completely unsolicited, which is a clue that what you want is a Marxist to be “against” in the social engineers puppet show of “for” or “against”. You unknowingly slurped the psyops, thinking that you’re outside of it. The social engineers don’t care what side you pick, they just want you to put on the clown suit and play their doom porn games. To see this clearly, just ask yourself why you’re pinning for the exact Marxist future that they want? The fact you called me a Marxist, completely unsolicited, is a huge red flag that what you really want is marxists to be against. Your little circus performance depends on having a Marxist to be against, therefore your willing to create one. So you can play your little covetous role of “against” in the social engineers puppet show. You took the bait hook line and sinker, no different than the marxists themselves.


- 3 years ago  

Usually this eagerness to adopt the doom porn narratives as fact, is indicative of a propensity to want to play the victim. Do you feel like a victim, Victor Victimstein? Are they coming to hurt you?


- 3 years ago  



- 3 years ago  

The Eddy GSM has arrived and will be getting much worse in the next decade. Massive worldwide starvation seems inevitable. Literally billions of humans will stave and die from disease and "human caused global warring." Just look below the surface folks. It ain't pretty. Check out and many others for the story. I suspect Tony is aware of this, but I can't assume or speak for him. One thing I know for sure, The Democrats are doing EXACTLY the opposite of what needs doing, and are making things much worse! Apart from selling our food to China, Trump didn't make matters worse, he made things better. Sadly, tragically, many Republicans embrace the warmist lies. So, for the most part we're on our own. Hopefully, the cooling will happen slowly, but one gigantic volcano like 1814, or a bunch erupting smaller dust laden eruptions, and most of human civilization will be screwed! Little Ice Ages have happened before, and the strong or "lucky" survived them. Plan ahead, because later on there will be no Walmart or (Insert modern convenience supply stores chain here,) to buy your supplies from. And, get with other smart people while you can before folks start to shoot first and ask questions later. Get my drift? Word to the wise, TEOTWAWKI is here already. If you don't prepare, and that's a tall order indeed, then BOAKYAGB! Cheers! Now should I send this?....................Yup


- 3 years ago  

Mmmmm, yummy luscious doom porn.


- 3 years ago  



- 3 years ago  

You’re acting just like a bot, with your copy paste juvenile antics. It makes me wonder if there is really any difference between a bot and an npc that can’t muster enough creativity to just write something. For all intents and purposes, they re the same. I’m curious though, why are you so protective of your covetous doom porn narratives? Is your entire identity hinging on these narratives, too?


- 3 years ago  

Just like FreedomLarper that secretly wants tyranny so he can Larp his freedom persona more flamboyantly? You know, so everyone can see his freedom peacockery.


- 3 years ago  

It’s good to keep reviving this blatant propaganda to show how the current propaganda is equally as ridiculous. Looking back and seeing how this predatory lizard alien shilled for the global warming narrative back then, and seeing how clearly everything it said was a complete lie and only engineered propagate doom porn, the average clown should be able to see the current doom porn narratives are equally complete lies. Is that too much to ask for the average clown that is suffering oxygen deficiencies due to their inclination for asphyxiation fetishes?


- 3 years ago  

Again, a life-form as simple minded as you need not worry over things like oxygen! You're probably not high enough on the evolutionary scale to need very much. Crawl back under your slimy rock and sip your soy milk while dinning on my words you primitives amphibian? Oh wait. I'm over estimating you once again: Nematode is more apt ;)


- 3 years ago  

Notice how attached to your luscious doom porn you are, that as soon as someone points out your addiction to them, you immediately go on the attack. Am I threatening your victim persona by pointing out your love of being a victim of your precious doom porn?


- 3 years ago  

"Doom porn"? I love that designation. It's true, isn't it? The latest bit of fluff in the media is about how this virus escaped a lab. Tucker was especially delirious in reporting on this "new" story. Fools said I you do not know. This is nothing more than a seasonal flu that became a media star. No special abilities or symptoms. Like many Hollywood types who are famous for being famous with no talent whatsoever. The thing is: if this is man-made, then they can justify the vaccine as necessary to overcome it and all these extraordinary measures they have dumped on us.. Not that they will ever need to unless we actually do to get to court. Tucker and the rest are all excited because they think they have discovered 'the' truth and all they are doing is increasing fear and offering a justification for gene-altering vaccines and MORE Draconian regulations. At least, this is the way I see it.


- 3 years ago


- 3 years ago  



- 3 years ago  

If these self-proclaimed saviours of the world were truly concerned about the consequences of rapidly increasing atmospheric CO2 levels, they would first of all investigate the question at which point of CO2 saturation there will be no more difference, which is to say no further increase of backwards “radiative force”. But obviously they lack the intelligence to do that (- back to earth emission can never(!) exceed 50 %).


- 3 years ago  

Carbon dioxide. Amazing that a naturally occurring gas which is instrumental in maintaining plant life and therefore all life has been demonized. They couldn't tax or find fault with oxygen which is what we breathe IN so they went after the stuff we breathe OUT. Just as ridiculous but somehow they have pulled it off. It defies logic and truth but is accepted by millions and is used to cuckold the rest into spending money to solve a problem that doesn't even exist. Kind of like what the vaccine is being marketed as. A cure for a virus that has a 99.8% recovery rate. Why would you need to cure something as weak as that? Everyday I go out and see people wearing masks. I saw a toddler today with one on. Couldn't have been more than three. I don't know whether to laugh or cry so I take turns.


- 3 years ago  

Just be glad you’re not one of them.


- 3 years ago  

Mikeyh0, Well said. If you don't already know about the story behind Ivermectin, watch this brief video. It's very cheap an effective and is most likely what should have been, and would have been used instead of the experimental SARS Cov 2 Vaccine! Such a huge international crime. It's even, perhaps, bigger than the CO2 SCAM?


- 3 years ago  

Tony...your contribution is are saving us from these crazy Global Warmest. Keep it up....


- 3 years ago  

As the divergence between the overt observed reality and the multiple climate predictions by the CO2 fanatics, it is likely that MORE fraud/misrepresentation will occur in the data. Just point out that the two "most sensitive" indicators of warming have NO DEMONSTRABLE CHANGE! The Maldives are just fine. There has been no change in the polar ice from historic measures.


- 3 years ago  

Climate fraud is also clearly evident in Congress ...


- 3 years ago  

Tony, one thing has become very clear to me in the past 10-15 years. IQ has a median value of 100 and the distribution is a standard bell curve. The take away from this is that 50% of the population has a low IQ. My theory is that if IQ and demonrat membership was plotted it would show a close correlation between low intelligence and the far left. That's not to say that the leadership is stupid, far from it. They have managed this sham quite well, all things considered. All I'm trying to say is that it appears to be pretty easy to pull the wool over the eyes of the masses when so many of them don't have a chance of critical thinking. It's an uphill battle when most of them just 'accept' without question whatever the far left tells them. Keep the faith brother, and god bless you for all of the amazing work that you do. I and many other appreciate it.


- 3 years ago  

And when it comes to healthcare, very few know about Dr. Zeke ...


- 3 years ago  

Democrats/progressives/communists (pretty much the same thing) are far more misinformed than people on the right. This is a fact:


- 3 years ago  

Cause in a word: Marxism


- 3 years ago  

The Joke Biden administration is a bunch of criminals. Are they trying to arrange a famine? Genocide? Or what? No one is prepared fo the coming cooling. 🥺


- 3 years ago  

You're getting very close to one facet of the New World Order agenda ...


- 3 years ago  

@ ClimateCraze: I know very little about that idiot but I did know about his 75 years babblings. The oldest human ever got to live for 122 years. I suggest we all go for a lot of new records! The idiot is behind those death panels too, if I recall it right?


- 3 years ago  

Hey, I didn't see that this was already mentioned when I wrote my post. Well said @ePostings The word is spreading slowly. The first worldwide massive crop failure will wake most people up. But, too late for many :(