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Tony HellerPLUS



"Some Scientists Believe"

  - 16:43

Journalists and politicians have created a group of fake "experts" whom they use to misinform the public, and bully the public into accepting complete nonsense.






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April 25th 2021  

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Category: Politics



- 3 years ago  

Wonderful yet again Tony.


- 3 years ago  

During the 2020 hotly contested election, Democrats and their “Chattering Class”, squashed conservative voices, very similar to Germany 1930’s gestapo like manipulation of its media, removing all voices but their Russiagate, obfuscations and outright lies. This Deepflake “Chattering Class” effectively stole the election, manipulating in the dead of the night (2am), the Electoral College votes, to put in their candidate, Deepflake Diein Biden. ————- This 2020 election erroneously put sleepy Joe and Kami in power illegally and both voting groups know it deep down. Worse, the “Chattering Class” 1% Green Billionaires have effectively shut down the past president and his 75+ million GOP voters and they now have no voice or government to represent them anymore. ————- Democrats beware, like the revolutionary war of old, at that time the small future nation was split in thirds, a third wanted to revolt, a third sided with the British and the last third did nothing. Fortunately in the revolutionary war the rebel third won and forced the Brits out, to create a great new nation of free thinking citizens. ————- In this last treasonous and treasonous, treacherous and tyrannical Dem won 2020 election, Biden would not have been the winner without Google’s help, spending 1 billion plus for Biden’s election. The “Chattering Class” and their 1% Green Billionaires clandestine help, strangled any pro GOP led news on their social media, TV and print media propaganda controlled outlets. The “Chattering Class” controlled by the 1% Green Billionaires, are the new American Gestapo! Spouting anything conservatives do is evil. ————- Dem race baiting, green fascist liberals, all controlled and overpaid by the 1% Green Billionaires, have been these past 30+ years America’s “Master Race”. These liberals target their messaging to spew hatred towards the conservative GOP hard working third of Americans and their false messaging 24/7 is “that all the conservatives do is evil, starting with the ludicrous lie burning fossil fuels is bad for the planet.” These overpaid liberal Dem minions of the overpaid “Chattering Class”, are today the modern day equivalent of the revolutionary war Brit royalty supporters, who hold near gestapo control of our media today. This “Chattering Class”, is no other than Good Morning America, CBS This Morning and The Today Show or TV’s 3 ABC, CBS and NBC media giants along with Hollywood and Silicon Valley’s click-bait social media giants. Their reach goes further into who is appointed into upper management as government officials, not elected but appointed by Dems, to run the swamp and NOAA/NASA agencies and their scientists. This third of our citizens or our royalty, the new American “Master Race”, are the overpaid minions Eisenhower warned us about. Liberal Dems spout hatred over all who live in the fly over states, and the hard working, religious, gun touting and don’t tread on me patriotic Americans. The “Chattering Class” minions vehemently hate the third of Americans or the don’t tread on me hard working, free thinking conservatives and their elected GOP. ————- These past 30+ years of Global Climate Alarmism propaganda have made all Dems actually believe their propaganda and their own lies ie. Global Climate Alarmism (GA) that it is actually a reality but as we “Normals” know, GA is just a made up cult fermenting hatred towards the GOP and more CO2 (plant food) just would make the Blue Planet greener and a veritable “Garden of Eden.” It will not end well if the Dems prevail as they will bankrupt us and the world’s nations will see to it that we do fail. ————- For the 75+ million third without a properly governed nation, there is the vast American countryside to move to and live in, home schooling your children and raising your families all the while trying to turn off the “Chattering Class” media and their constant messaging that all industries employing conservatives and burning fossil fuels are evil. ————- The Dems Blue Cities urban unthinking citizens like Detroit, will just have to fend for themselves controlled by their “Chattering Class” the Dem liberal American royalty politicians and their modern day American gestapo “Master Race” and just watch and click-bait what the “Chattering Class” minions feed them 24/7. ————- As for the swamp, the do nothing third, they will just keep their heads down and only help themselves.

Cloudman Films

- 3 years ago  

I think the statement "Obama just made this up" does not bring anything to the table. Even it 97% hoax is not true, reading statistics on John Cool et al 2013 bring a bit, or more explained by Judith Curry here From Cook you can read from abstracts of 11000 published articles that some mention human influence on climate, a little or considerable. That was 3700 articles from about 4000 meaning 97%. But to figure out what does 2/3 or articles say they emailed those and found among those not before mentioning in article abstract that 54% mean human influence is there. "Among self-rated papers not expressing a position on AGW in the abstract, 53.8% were self-rated as endorsing the consensus. " Summing these together means 2/3 just about mean human influence is there, but is way less than 97% obviously. But not "made up" by Obama I mean. Tony Heller is shooting himself in the foot loosing credibility, and please sir, we need your excellent historical analytical skills to make the skeptic view credible. Sadly Heller just make things up too - not good. Bottom line is - science is not democratic. Read about Copernicus studies that were found by Gallilei that suffered a lot from making sun center of our system. And are greatest mind of modern times Albert Einstein About the book "100 Authors Against Einstein" a reporter wanted his comment - why 100, one is enough to proove me wrong That is a true scientist....


- 3 years ago  

“The future is certain; it is only the past that is unpredictable”


- 3 years ago  

Every second, the Earth receives 175 Petawatts (175 10^15) of energy from the Sun. Any scientist who even thinks about mentioning this is immediately cancelled.


- 3 years ago  

Another good one Tony!


- 3 years ago  

Who exactly are the 97% of scientists that agree that there is a climate crisis? The article most often cited for a high percentage is: Cook, J., et al. (2013) Quantifying the consensus on anthropogenic global warming in the scientific literature. Environmental Research Letters, 8. 024024. Using the ISI (Institute for Scientific Information) Web of Science database, 11,944 abstracts were found of articles on climate change (published between 1991-2011) that matched the topics ‘global warming’ or ‘global climate change’. In actuality, their conclusions were not supported by their own data. Of the 11,944 abstracts, 7,930 (66.4% of entire sample) took no position. Only 0.3% of the 11,944 took a position of definite human-generated significant global warming. John Cook’s research group had major biases and inexcusable inaccuracies. Inspection of the authors’ data files showed that they categorized only 64 abstracts (0.5% of the total survey sample) as endorsing significant human-caused global warming. In fact only 41 of the 64 papers actually endorsed human-caused greenhouse gases as responsible for most of the ‘warming’ of the Earth’s temperature. (41/11,944 = 0.34%) David Legates, Willie Soon, William Briggs, and Christopher Monckton, in an independent review of the full data set, refuted the claims of Cook et al. (Legates, D.R. et al. (2013) Climate Consensus and ‘Misinformation’: A rejoinder to Agnotology, Scientific Consensus, and the Teaching and Learning of Climate Change. Sci Educ 22:2007-2017.) Further contrary evidence to the "97% of scientists agree" are the 31,000 scientists who signed a petition stating they don’t agree. (The Global Warming Petition Project urged rejection of the Kyoto Protocol in 1997 and has repeated its position subsequently in 2007.) In September of 2019, more than 500 prominent scientists, including MIT climate scientist Richard Lindzen, wrote an open letter to the Secretary-General of the UN stating that there is no climate emergency. Science depends on skepticism and questioning. Science is not based on consensus and not based on shutting down debate. Shutting down debate is a tactic of those who cannot defend their positions with facts and is anti-science. Science is not advanced by ‘consensus’; ‘consensus’ in science is a ‘con job’. There is no consensus and it is a complete hoax that “97% of scientists agree” with dangerous human-caused (anthropogenic) global warming.


- 3 years ago  

Keep the TRUTH coming..!


- 3 years ago  

China, India and the whole of Asia are intentionally expanding their coal and petroleum burning fossil fuel energy use, outputting MASSIVE amounts of CO2, right into 2030’s. If America and the Dem swamp don’t change course or get out the way and let America do exactly as China, India and Asia are doing and also massively expand our own domestic energy fossil fuel use, then America is doomed to become a forever debtor nation and China by default will lead. ————- What to do? As we “Normals” know the Dems will listen to reason.


- 3 years ago  

How many different ways can we measure the lies? Length, breadth, width, quality, quantity, number of repetitions. I think the devil counts as the most important number those who believe the lies. That number is increasing and has already reached way beyond the tipping point to save this nation. Just look at the masks. In the 60's my generation went searching for ourselves and America. THIS is what we have found? Fools who lap up lies like nectar? Bye, bye. I wash my hands. And kick the dust from my feet. Damned be he who hinders my path.


- 3 years ago  

Texas believed the "green" climate experts and see what happened ...


- 3 years ago  



- 3 years ago  

Thank you Tony! Please do continue. The totalitarian liars at some point will be discredited.

Truth Sleuth

- 3 years ago  

Excellent stuff, TonyH. I so want to share this and all your vids with my brainwashed son (was a nuclearsub engineer for the Navy) and his brainwashed adult children, but if I do I risk further alienating their liberal-programmed minds. It grieves me to watch the usurpation of our once-great society!


- 3 years ago  

I have a friend who served as a nuclear reactor engineer in the Navy with adult kids that I hestitate to send Tony's work to also....lives in Idaho. Should we know each other?😂


- 3 years ago  

“It's Easier to Fool People Than It Is to Convince Them That They Have Been Fooled.” ~ Mark Twain


- 3 years ago  

Excellent work as always, Mr. Heller.


- 3 years ago  

Thank you