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Tony HellerPLUS



The Disinformation Program Is Complete

  - 7:30

“Early in life I have noticed that no event is ever correctly reported in a newspaper,” ― George Orwell






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April 14th 2021  

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- 3 years ago  

All democrats are liars … all of them … all the time.


- 3 years ago  

None of Tony Heller's videos are being played here for me. WTH is going on???


- 3 years ago  

I can hardly wait until the civil war starts. Got my guns ready to go .


- 3 years ago  

Biden isn't a man and never has been in his political career. He is a thing. He is a suit that lies. He is an empty shell with nothing where a soul should be. His political career has been one, long, grift. And now, he is a pathetic, senile, old thing who is so far gone he wouldn't know the truth if it fell out of the sky and landed on his head.


- 3 years ago  

The Benghazi thing where they said it was because a YouTube video made fun of "The Prophet " It was looking like a media ploy, framing the issue as if Muslims were coming for your free speech zone. Ironic now that anyone who actually believes in free speech has been driven off the platform. My problem in understanding what Benghazi was about was that I expected America to invade old school. The leading from behind, sponsoring revolutionaries, setting up new banking corporations and seizing Qaddafi's gold all happened while Obama was president. Basically the International intelligence community which included parts of the American apparatus staged Benghazi and led politicians into toppling Libya. The Republicans didn't seem to know what was going on either and had minor complaints about how the Ambassador was protected and didn't take up any of the more lofty issues that could have been argued like peace, sovereignty etc; because they would have done it all the same. For example, both parties vote to approve military appropriations Bills. The fact that it was an international effort, left national level individuals as innocent participants thus probing into wrong-doing was petty theater which resulted in no convictions. The organizations that fomented Benghazi were fomenting and agitating all across northern Africa and the middle east non-stop and with impunity before and after Benghazi. Critics of intelligence operations were all corralled into this one little ash pile of a very narrow focus and thus public inquiry was quashed by a "Limited Hang-out"


- 3 years ago  

Let me be even more accusatory towards the US security agencies failure and politically motivated order to stand down. The Benghazi 09-11-2012 attack is certainly a tragedy but in my view was an intentional failure by the CIA’s higher ups in control, they wanted to create an embarrassing incident to then use to smear Obama. But those American heroes who ignored their orders to stand down by their superiors and instead charged directly into conflict to attempt to save the US ambassador and his small security detail, none of them cared if it was a terrorist attack or a made up protest over a so called “YouTube” anti Mohammad vid, all they knew were Americans were in trouble and needed their help immediately. Our US upper command in the intelligence agencies in my view intentionally withheld intelligence information on this armed group or small war lord in Benghazi and his preparations to attack our Benghazi US Consulate that 9-11-2012 and the spy agencies did so intentionally in the hope the incident could be used to give Obama a black eye of sorts politically. Obama handily pushed the incident off on his subordinates to explain away, who obviously concocted the Hollywood poorly produced “YouTube” vid that smeared Mohammad, as the sole reason for the protests at the Benghazi US Consulate. All Democrats care about is winning or taking elections so using this “YouTube” vid at the time seemed plausible to them, as none of them had a clue what actually went down in Benghazi before, during or after this small Benghazi war lord attack who most assuredly did intentionally attack our US Consulate on the anniversary of 9-11. Plenty of blame can be spread around and though a conservative myself, I blame us or the conservatives at the time in the spy agencies for letting this occur and worse later, prosecuting the Dems for making up this stupid story that this goof ball negative “YouTube” vid on Mohammad had anything to do with anything at this Benghazi incident. ——— All I can agree with, are these Americans who charged into harms way against orders to protect the US ambassador and is small security detail are HEROES in my eyes!


- 3 years ago  

long posts are not read ... short and sweet and add a link


- 3 years ago  

The Pentagon Controllers and their technology (almost alien), are bigger than all of us and has no master or oversight. Most of my so called “Noise” is targeted towards the Congressional Industrial Military Complex, who fund the OBFUSCATING Swamp that Eisenhower tried to warn us about. ————- I find Mr. Hellers vids so very relevant and politically spot on, that I seem I cannot help myself thinking about them and adding my insights per these thought provoking vids but again only on Newtube. ————- What is the 1% Green Billionaires agenda? It’s to elect or take elections in anyway possible, SO ONLY DEMONCRATS, from the president, senate, congress all the way down to appointing “green fascist” and “race baiter anti-law enforcement” judges, are elected or appointed. Am I wrong in stating or gleaning this per Mr. Hellers vids? ————- Who are the sole and true enemies of these 1% Green Billionaires? Seems to me, to be the hard working American conservatives, “Don’t step on me”, gun toting everyday “American Normals”, souls of all PERSUASIONS, who are free thinking Americans. ————- Hence why the “Chattering Class” and their 1% Hit-Squads of minions or what I call the Academic Intellectuals, Hollywood, Click-Bait Silicon Billionaires and their Wall Street financiers, who ALL come together against their true political enemy, the GOP led coal and petroleum burning states, who employ most of these conservative job holding and voting workers and their families. (Once coal and petroleum industries are devastated by the Dems 1% Green Billionaires with their “Hit-Squads Minions, then they will focus on taking down the trucking industry with AI Driverless trucks or vehicles and last our entire agricultural based conservative farmers and their families. Sorry to say this is already happening.) ————- The 1% Green Billionaires are winning but they have to walk a thin line themselves, to not upset the greatest puppeteers, those that control “The Pentagon”. I add my comments (what you must perceive as “too much Noise”), to also warn those who do read, that the “Those Controlling the Pentagon”, that they “Ultimately CONTROL” all media and care little about either of us, the rural red or purple suburban “Normals” conservatives (75+ million went to the polls and voted red) and the “Woke-Jokes” mostly unthinking and easily sent into a rage over climate GA and race baiting blue city citizens (80 to 85 million mailed in their votes). ————- Why? Because the Pentagon Controllers and their technology (almost alien), are bigger than all of us and has no master or oversight. Most of my so called “Noise” is targeted towards the Congressional Industrial Military Complex, who fund the OBFUSCATING Swamp that Eisenhower tried to warn us about.


- 3 years ago  

The British Foreign Office withdrew all their Libya consular staff in Benghazi in late June of 2012, due to worsening security issues. ————- I distinctly remember reading about this in the summer of 2012 in the NYT prior to the attack of 9-11-2012 on our Libya Benghazi American consulate. ————- This same NYT article went on to note our American ambassador to show his support for Libya stayed and even went jogging with his security detail in tow that summer. ————- Even after the British ambassador to Libya Dominic Asquith survived an assassination attempt in Benghazi on June 10. Two British protection officers were injured in the attack when their convoy was hit by a rocket-propelled grenade 300 yards (270 m) from their consulate office. ————- This NYT article went on to imply the CIA or our intelligence agencies office in another part of town in Benghazi, were OK with Obama’s Libya (and obviously very liberal (stupid)) ambassador staying, because it gave them cover to also stay and collect “important” intelligence. ————- I remember reading this in the NYT in the summer of 2012 and when the attack occurred 09-11-2012, I concluded it was obvious to me why the intelligence agencies didn’t respond and only true blue Americans on their own attempted to save the American Libya ambassador and most importantly his small security detail. ————- When I read “WASHINGTON -- The CIA and the military acted properly in responding to the 2012 attack on a U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya, a Republican-controlled House committee has found.” I knew the whole Benghazi fiasco was political theater very similar to LBJ ordering Israel to attack and sink our NSA listening boat “The USS Liberty incident was an attack on a United States Navy technical research ship, USS Liberty, by Israeli Air Force jet fighter aircraft and Israeli Navy motor torpedo boats, on 8 June 1967, during the Six-Day War.” LBJ hated Egypt’s President and his Russia backers so much that he wanted a horrific white flag incident created so he could invade Egypt and unlike England’s failed attempt to topple Nasser, LBJ wanted to topple Nasser and put in his own puppet and have America control both the Panama Canal and Sues canal. Like the brave Americans who tried to save our Libya ambassador, the USS Liberty ship Americans bravely fought off our so called Israeli great partners turned foe attacking the USS Liberty. ————- Benghazi 09-11-2012 attack is certainly a tragedy but of whose doings. The USS Liberty Israel attack on our own NSA American ship ordered by LBJ, was on a much worse and almost unimaginable trajectory “The combined Israeli air and sea attack killed 34 US sailors, wounded 171 crew members, many severely and nearly sank the ship. At the time, the ship was in international waters north of the Sinai Peninsula, about 25.5 miles northwest from the Egyptian city of Arish.” ——— All above are American heroes defending the Libya ambassador and the USS Liberty ship and in my eyes were brave men who suffered unnecessarily due to USA politicians and their stupid egos and their failed attempts at politicization of World events. ——— Tony Heller is correct, nothing reported in the news is as it really is.


- 3 years ago  

you are wasting your time with such long posts


- 3 years ago  

Refute or don’t read my long winded posts here only on Newtube. ————- I add them only here on Newtube during my insomnia. I first watch Tony’s YouTube channel, which I’m Subscribed to, but add no comments, only in Newtube, a venue watched by only a few, do I add these pearls of wisdom or noise. Yes my posts can be perceived easily as “Noise” detracting from Mr. Heller’s very refreshing truths, refuting the 1% Green Billionaires agenda. But I find Mr. Hellers vids so very relevant and politically spot on, that I cannot seem to help myself, thinking about them and adding my insights per these thought provoking vids but again only on Newtube. ————- Yes, Tony’s truths are spot on scientific well founded truths that for sure pegs, (each and every climate vid of his), that is, pegs my Idiot Meter from 1 to 10, right to ten, making me want to rage against the 1% Green Billionaires. (I used to be a woke-joke myself, and though much older and hopefully wiser, leaning strongly conservative now, I still get easily enraged, especially if scientific facts prove beyond a doubt increased CO2 in no way heats or cools the planet.). ————- But when Tony moves to discussing politics and shows things like president Eisenhower, who sincerely tried to warn us about the bigger EVIL, on “The without oversight Controllers of the Pentagon”, and their “Congressional Industrial Military Complex” deficit financiers, much of my noise is about this and their ultimate control and ability to puppeteer our media and murder anyone right up to JFK. ————- I guess Tony’s honest and refreshing vids get me thinking, I have a tendency to watch them and fume, then vent but only on his lightly watched Newtube channel. To you I say, “Refute or don’t read my posts.” ————- Are we all living in a Mack Sennet comedy today. I say yes!


- 3 years ago  

Well of course the Dems and Reps are two cheeks of the same Jew arse for after all America is just a militarist junta banana republic and a colonial possession of Israel. I find it somewhat fitting and mirthful that when the Jewmericans and their NATO stooges bombed Libya back to the stone age the good people of Libya rightfully burned alive the Jewmerican ambassador.

Nik Monk

- 3 years ago  

Your vile bigotry torpedoes your whole argument.


- 3 years ago  

The same is true all over the Western world. Mergers and acquisitions means that the big American media organisations now own the majority of shares in most non-American media. American news agencies deliver most news. Furthermore liaison officers from the American embassies are in contact with reporters, newsrooms, editorial boards and all what else there is. Public owned media is influenced this way too. This is also the case for even non-US governments. Blackmail and bribery are well known tools here. In other words: The American deep state as we know them.


- 3 years ago  

Another great video, thank you Tony! I really appreciate that you're connecting the dots. The "climate crisis" scam and the Covid panic mongering are both operations designed to facilitate increasing totalitarian control and they are being controlled at the top by the same groups of people. Our national security state is in alliance with the NWO. Very, very evil people.


- 3 years ago  

Thank you Tony for more Truth! We can pretty much be certain that if HIS LIPS move HE IS LYING!!! He is a buffoon of the highest order! China and Russia love Biden even more than US SOCIALIST!

My Brighteon Channel

- 3 years ago  

The CIA's Director William Cadey met with President Reagan on his first day in office and when asked what he saw as his agency's role in the administration stated : "Public Disinformation" as top priority. When asked why, Casey said "The USSR's Intelligence Agencies primary source for U.S. info was open source." Meaning that whatever the U.S. public believed, Russia would assume was fact. Casey then stated : "We will know our disinformation campaign is complete when everything the U.S. public believes is false."


- 3 years ago  

Look at every campaign where Biden failed - he's a liar and a plagiarist, and has zero integrity. I regret my 20+ years of military service supporting the Limited Nuclear Test Ban Treaty for liars and plagiarists like Joe Biden.


- 3 years ago  

It isn't so much that they lie constantly; it is that they are believed so completely. The Bible refers to this phenomenon as the "spirit of slumber". There is so very little that can be done with one so afflicted. There is a giant fork heading our way because we are close to done.


- 3 years ago  

By electing for grace he implies he can see god. Others who chose to base their faith in "works" were blinded and the stuff they did (like setting the table) became a trap. It is a chapter for the times with (beautiful) Baal having people "bow the knee" while our poor disciple is driven out. It is ironic that he calls "works" a "spirit of slumber" when those depending on grace from god are basically doing nothing and are therefore physically closer to sleep. I think your use of the term here is better than the original.


- 3 years ago  

I don't know where you get the time and energy to do all these great videos, but whatever it is, you should market it. Maybe you're like Trump and only needs a few hours of sleep a day.