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Unsolved Murder- The Villisca Axe Murders

  - 14:16

The Villisca Axe Murders - This video is a relatively quick overview of the crime, the victims, the suspects, and a little about the "hauntings." Learning more and more with each video I work on...consider subscribing if you would like to see how the channel improves. Had these murders been committed today, it is almost certain that law enforcement officials would have easily solved the crime and brought the murderer to justice. Almost 100 years later, however, the Villisca Axe Murders remain a mystery. The murderer or murderers are probably long dead, and their gruesome secret may be buried with them. However, if you are under the same suspicions as the federal officer assigned to the case, then Henry Lee Moore committed not only these murders, but was responsible for a string of brutal killings. There have been a lot of speculation in regards to the house itself being haunted, and as used in another video of mine, there is a quite famous EVP from a paranormal investigation that lends credence to the thought. I actually wouldn't mind checking out the ghost tour they have there...once we are able to travel again. To this day strange events continue to occur and it seems as though, the tragic murder of an innocent family has left a stain of despair upon the ground, and even if you don’t believe in the paranormal, there is little doubt that the sheer brutality and unnerving aspect, that the killer was able to walk away scot-free, to this day can leave an unsettling feeling in the pit of your stomach. If you like the content, please like comment and subscribe. I just started the HelioWave twitter account…follow me @heliodown Check out the links below if you would like to help this channel grow, join the conversation, or check out the other videos. [email protected] Bitcoin: 31isooREDF5jCjrxf9kqNmSuRmJYcR23v2 Litecoin: LQo42bcUwaHgYuJgV3eoZFWEks3nBdF6pN Ethereum: 0x841d76260700bC28e76eEBd1a3A1195245






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October 28th 2020  

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