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Dr. Sherri Tenpenny - "IT IS THE MARK" (Full) (NEW)

  - 25:29

Dr. Sherri Tenpenny reveals how the new COVID-19 vaccines work and what you're not being told. This clip was taken from "Ministry Now" with Dr. Sherri Tenpenny.






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March 13th 2021  

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- 3 years ago  

No "vaccine" is "The Mark"! This issue is misunderstood by not reading and understanding the Revelation. The Mark of the beast is to submit/surrender/capitulate to what will come in the future about your faith to God and his sign or to the devil and his mark. The sign of God in this matter, is to believe and keep Him in mind and close to you, by keeping the day of the Lord. That day is in biblical terms the seventh day of creation and it means to keep the day according to the day His Son kept it - meaning the Sabbath, Saturday. The Catholic Church has altered the Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday(Sun Day). This papal system has delivered the scam, that telling the world the pope is the deputy of God in earth, has the power to change these days. This is one of the biggest lies according to your Bible, as we know only God forgives, gives salvation, gives mankind eternal life, if they believe in Him. God has NEVER given any man the power to make any change in His word. Even the papal system knows they have NO biblical support to do as they do. That doesn´t mean, you don´t find any people in the Catholic Church trying to do the right thing. It only means, that they don´t know about these matters. It will be revealed for these people and many others, especially when the governments will make laws in the matter of the day to rest. Just wait and see and you will be surprised. The madness we experience now, regarding the alleged "Covid19" and the Climate Change nonsense, is only some of the "buttons", the lunacy people will use to conquer you and me, if possible. Be awake and understand the signs of our time! The time is short!!!


- 3 years ago  

Yes! Take a look at our discussion posted just today on the topic of Revelation and deceptions we are all living through.


- 3 years ago  

That last answer, they did not want to hear. To all the Vaxxed, Luciferase and it's nanobots will save you. You will survive and almost be immoral as the bots cure every ailment from cancer to broken bones to severed arteries. You won't be able to die, even if you are living in a hellish world.


- 3 years ago  

Exactly. The majority of the world is unconscious and has no idea what is happening. Unbelievable to those who have eyes to see and the spirit that cannot be corrupted by deception.


- 3 years ago  

Revelation 9:6 "And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it; and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them."


- 3 years ago  

Thank you Jesus for Dr's like Sherri Tenpenny who are telling the truth about the vaccines and what they will do to us in the long run. Don't take the mark.


- 3 years ago  
