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Tony HellerPLUS



Superstition Based Virus Policy

  - 7:31

Joe Biden promises dark days ahead, signaling his plans to try to further injure America.






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December 22nd 2020  

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Category: Politics



- 3 years ago  

President Trump started the reusable mask industry from The Withe House press room. He was the one who brought it into the picture and he deserves credit for it. They don't work anyway and you always have room in the washing machine for a mask.


- 3 years ago  

Congratulations Joe Biden!! 🎉🎊🎉👍


- 3 years ago  

The manufacturer warning on the side of the box says “ this mask will not stop the transmission of covid 19 “ You can’t make this shit up. The virus envelope is 150 nanometers. The n95 can filter up to 95% of 300 nanometers particles. Draw a one inch circle on a piece of paper and then draw a half inch circle inside it for the visual. Obviously the “experts “ and silly sheep in face diapers can’t read.


- 3 years ago  

Same problems here in Canada. We just started a month long lockdown-ugh! Our PM is a feminist leftist globalist so we are doomed.


- 3 years ago  

Brilliant summary as usual Tony! Catching up on your videos as my own Christmas treat, after the bustle has abated. Happy Holidays sir.


- 3 years ago  

Our darkest days ARE AHEAD under a Biden/Harris administration. With the policies that they’ve already announced they know the economy is going to go down the sh,tter so they just conditioning us for it’s eventual collapse.


- 3 years ago  

Is there even a SarsCov2 virus? Apparently there's never been any scientific evidence put forth to prove there is. The National Research Council of Canada can't find any legitimate scientific papers anywhere on the planet actually proving said virus has been isolated and purified. Even the CDC confesses there are no quantifiable isolates available. If the goal is to usher in increasing communist control over the world, unleashing an actual virus would be highly problematic, because you wouldn't be able to control the effects and the outcome, but you would if you created the PERCEPTION that there is a virus----THAT you can completely control, without limit. For further investigation, see this recent video: Also these videos:


- 3 years ago  

He also said in that same speech 'the vaccine does not matter, it's not going to help.". What a brilliant old man hand picked by club of rome bankster puppeteers to be their next dusposable mouth piece


- 3 years ago  

Excellent, Tony. Please keep on with this rational deconstruction of the lies.


- 3 years ago  

The worse virus in the last 200 years [1918/19 influenzas] took 18 months to spread around the globe basically twice then disappear naturally when there was 75% fewer people. COVID-19 is supposed to be more contagious and we are traveling around the world in Jets now. Using the CDCs numbers of estimated infections will achieve herd immunity in the United States on Jan. 20, 2021. The 1918/19 Flu killed 60,000,000 people worldwide and 650,000 in the United States. People would literally drop dead in the streets, again there were 75% fewer people. In todays numbers there would be between 1,300,000 and 3,000,000 dead and and climbing!


- 3 years ago  

That's a bit of a dick thing to say! Comparing yesteryear to today!!

Stephen Nixey

- 3 years ago  

Financial incentives are being passed into healthcare and other areas as in places here in the UK so they give in to being brought out as money has an invisible way of convincing people. Funny that!


- 3 years ago  

Mount Kilauea! The locals are being told that the "masks which protect you from COVID19 will not protect you from So2". So that's it. THE science. THE New Normal!


- 3 years ago  

I'm confused, you spoke the truth and no big Blue box containing propaganda did appear? 👍


- 3 years ago  

Leftards should be slaughtered like the rabid vermin they are.


- 3 years ago  

I’ll pull the lever. Start with Gavin Newsom


- 3 years ago  

Fuck it!!. Let's just sort this shit out once & for all!!!. & Have a civil war! 🤗

Great presentation! Makes a whole lot of sense just looking at your graphs. I'm new to this site. Came here just tonight looking for your post from your directions on UTube where I have admired your post for a while. Also opened my own post here called TLC ... Truth Logic & Cooperation. Just getting started on that one. No post yet. Still learning. Trying to address the reasons why so many can't see the forest for the trees by making Truth, Logic and Cooperation clearer.


- 3 years ago  

Bravo! It takes courage to speak out as you do!


- 3 years ago  



- 3 years ago  

I think you are absolutely right! However, you forgot to mention the huge asteroid that will hit Earth next year and end all life on it.


- 3 years ago  

Yes. We're doomed.


- 3 years ago  

Apophis is going to make a close call near miss in 2029. It's possible that Earth's gravity will affect its trajectory enough that it will hit us in 2068. It's only 1200 feet in diameter, so most of us would survive. The estimated impact energy would be around 1200 megatons, so I wouldn't want to be with a couple states from where it hits.


- 3 years ago  

Why wouldn't CO2 continue to rise? China is building coal-fired power plants at the rate of one a week as part of Greta's Paris Accord. The Paris Accord is the one that Joe Biden loves to brag about rejoining immediately, while simultaneously bragging about undoing the accords Trump established with Mexico to slow massive illegal immigration and child trafficking. Because criminal Joe doesn't want to be limited by the rule of law, he and the Democrats naturally favor lawless open borders in the same way they favor atmospheric CO2 increases. Joe lies, all the while raling on about using the tax system - the confiscated value of people's work/time/labor - to change the world's weather, he's fine with Chinese "emissions" at any level. Freedom is for the CCP.


- 3 years ago  

I wish people would realize that we can't run from a virus. We can't hide from it. It's going to do what it's going to do. Find hosts. Masking and lockdowns are failing here in Canada. People don't believe me when I tell them that the lockdowns interfere with achieving immunity. It's slowing the natural process down. "You can't get immunity with covid" they claim. If that's true, why bother with vaccines? It is a method of achieving immunity. 🤦


- 3 years ago  

What? People are claiming you can't get immunity from Covid19 but simultaneously clamoring for a vaccine? These are not scientists I hope. I think you are correct about lockdowns prolonging the period for developing herd immunity. The long duration is just the arithmetic consequence of trying to flatten the curve in order to preserve/reserve ICU space.


- 3 years ago  



- 3 years ago  

I did that vapor demonstration in front of some people that were having a disagreement about the CCP Virus. I said "Lets do a science experiment". And after I blew the vape through the mask. Silence, total silence. The cogs in their heads, were definitely grinding.


- 3 years ago  

There is some kind of virus running around that everybody I know got. It comes out at both ends. I suppose the masks really work?????


- 3 years ago  

It depends on the mask. First from a research study: The undiluted e-cigarette aerosols were found to have particle diameters of average mass in the 250–450nm range and particle number concentrations in the 109 particles/cm3 range. That size is approximately 10 times smaller than the aerosols that contain vars-cov-2 virus. Second, IT DEPENDS ON THE MASK! Go try your experiment again on the same people wearing a n95 mask, fitted correctly.


- 3 years ago  

Turns out if you have a flu, the covid tests come back positive.


- 3 years ago  

Joe Biden can't control his flatulence when in public. That's why he wants everyone wearing masks.


- 3 years ago  

Speaking of psychotic, where's Bill Gates these days?


- 3 years ago  

lol the smoking mask of death!


- 3 years ago  

Youtube shut down a Swedish channel today that also tells the truth. No reason given.


- 3 years ago  

which one?


- 3 years ago  

The latest mutant strain found in the UK spreads more quickly. This should be good news because the virus itself will beat out the vaccines in establishing herd immunity. The fear mongers will try to spin it as a need to further tighten lockdowns. At the same time They're saying the vaccines "should work" on the new strains. That's mighty scientific sounding.


- 3 years ago  

In Sydney, Australia we have a population of 7 million and have been locked down because of 30 new cases from the PCR test and it is summer time.


- 3 years ago  

You should get your facts right before dripping all that shit out of the wrong end!!!


- 3 years ago  

TH666, you're a communist aren't you? or trained as a communist? you got a link from you're communist friends?


- 3 years ago  

How did you discover that!!?... Seems like my undercover operations has been, uncovered! 😳.... Hey I actually work for many, from all over the world!! 👹. Business is booming lately, so why not!!. They pay extremely well too, I might just add 🤗... So which one are you talking about!??


- 3 years ago  

the_Thurman123 66dick is potholer54. Look his and Tony's back and forth up. He was a loser then and he is a loser now.


- 3 years ago  

Ah you mean this fella!!. Who quite clearly & merely points out how much of a conspiracy theorist & propagandist lying dick he, you & others are!!? Yeh nah, your wrong! Again!! 😝


- 3 years ago  

.666"dick, I have yet to see you say anything constructive. Why did you stop using the Tonyflapping name? And your youtube video was a good one! Only four admitted fuck ups in it! BTW the PCR tests can be total garbage, even Fauci says that. You didn't have anything to say to Tony's video a week ago.


- 3 years ago  

SeanWorkman and anyone else who is interested in PCR tests and the man who invented it might enjoy watching this 2:08 video. Kary Mullis won a Nobel Prize for his PCR invention btw. Also says he would tell Fauci to his face that he is a liar. Only 187 other people have viewed this video:


- 3 years ago  

What would you like me to say Billy Boy!!?. Something to keep you nice & happy!??. Or the truth!! 🤔


- 3 years ago  

I find it ironic that we freely criticize elections in Venezuela and other countries. While we allow psychopathic lunatics to rig our elections. I can guarantee you that via the big tech companies they will attempt to Institute a social credit system similar to the CCP with accused climate deniers being at the top of the list. As Churchill said of the Nazis. ...”if we fail, then the whole world, including the United States, including all that we have known and cared for, will sink into the abyss of a new Dark Age made more sinister, and perhaps more protracted, by the lights of perverted science. Let us therefore brace ourselves to our duties,...” If this isn’t perverted science then I don’t know what to say.


- 3 years ago  

Good work Tony.


- 3 years ago  

Just the beginning of the "final solution" the best is yet to come Creepy Uncle Joe said so!


- 3 years ago  

With "darkest days ahead" Beijing Biden is finally consolidating "The New Normal" or "The Age Of Covid", both of which are wokespeak for "The Permanent Lockdown".


- 3 years ago  



- 3 years ago  

No manufacturer of masks promote these products as an anti virus measure.


- 3 years ago  

I just came here from YT via Tony’s link to his new channel here. YT is shooting them selves in their totalitarian ties!


- 3 years ago  

'CASES' should be reserved for cases of ILLNESS.


- 3 years ago  

thanks Tony you are a shining beacon of reason


- 3 years ago  

I type do masks block covid this is what pops up Common question Do face masks work against the coronavirus disease? Dr. Hamilton says a cloth mask will not prevent you from breathing in respiratory droplets that carry a virus, like COVID-19. But it will help to protect others from you if you happen to be infected, with or without symptoms. Furthermore, cloth masks help to reinforce social distancing and good cough etiquette, which ultimately will help to slow how far the virus spreads. Cloth masks can also prevent you from touching your face, and can be a visual reminder to practice social distancing, Dr. Hamilton adds.


- 3 years ago  

To explain why masks are silly, Listen to Dr. Russell Blaylock, MD and board certified neurosurgeon discuss all aspects of this corona virus. Facts on vaccines start 36 minutes into the video.


- 3 years ago  

Dr Hamilton is clearly wrong , people with masks constantly readjusting their masks with their fingers so its constantly tainted if there were any dangerous particles on their hands , also you keep recirculating your own exhaust which we all know is dangerous for your health and brain functions.


- 3 years ago  

I think the data charts Tony presents are in fact the evidence that masks as we know them and use them don’t in any way influence the phases of the epidemic. Whether a given individual can benefit from masking up depends on the type of mask, the sterile technique (hands off attempted ), the air circulation and the frequency of mask changing.changes/sterilization.


- 3 years ago  

You make too much sense for XiTube, Tony. No wonder they ban you.


- 3 years ago  

The dems are killing their base. I guess eventually there won't be anyone to vote for them.


- 3 years ago  

Who needs voters when you can stuff ballot boxes and digitally manipulate the results.


- 3 years ago  

I think you are wrong about what is happening with the lockdown. It is not destroying the poor. Most of them are probably not doing too much worse than before the lockdown. The segment of the population that is being harmed, destroyed actually, is the middle class. That destruction is intended. This is preparatory to a communist government. In the Soviet Union there were two classes: the rich who had total political power and the rest who were ruled and subject to laws based on political whims. People lined up to purchase things even something like bread. This was not because there was a shortage it was to train the populace who was in control and to whom they owed their daily bread. We saw this same breadline concept in supermarkets when the lockdown first started. There were all sorts of rules to determine how many could enter (mask required) at any one time. Once in, you had to follow the arrow pointers on the store's floor or you got in trouble. That pointer system was not based on viral science it was based on psychology and how you train animals to obey.


- 3 years ago  

Agreed. And as to the question of who has the power and influence to push a GLOBAL scamdemic. Look to the central banks. Those who push for world government are often termed 'the establishment'. They have leaders who control the world cartel of private central banks, led by Bank of International Settlement, every central bank is a member. Under BIS is the IMF/World Bank. The Rothschild family have majority share ownership of the central banks, they support Israel as a central head of world government. (See the *Know More News* channel on Bitchute.) Some of the major central banks are the Central Bank of London, the Bank of England, Vatican Bank and the Federal Reserve in NYC. After that are the central banks in every country, they are called 'Reserve' banks. Eg the RBA (Reserve Bank of Australia - a PRIVATE bank). These banks are not controlled by government. If they state they are government controlled on their websites it is deception. The establishment control the government elements that can make decisions. The purpose of the cartel is to enslave countries. They 'assist' governments by *creating* money out of nothing (mostly electronic) and depositing into government accounts. This becomes national or state debt in those countries. Often the debt is paid back by the government selling national assets. Guess who buys the assets?


- 3 years ago  

Actually, human sacrifices did help during droughts: fewer people to feed.

felicia p

- 3 years ago  

JUst REBEL people. Throw away those masks, tear down the covid notices and go about your lives distance free. FUCK them all.


- 3 years ago  

Exactly what China wants!! 🤗 👍... We do have a lot of sheep around don't we!!!


- 3 years ago  

Agreed felicia. As for those who mention China. China is simply an enslaved country, where the population of sheep is well controlled. They can live ok but must work a 70 hour week and live in small cells obeying a social point system. Those who push for world government are often termed 'the establishment'. They have leaders who control the world cartel of private central banks, led by Bank of International Settlement, every central bank is a member. Under BIS is the IMF/World Bank. The Rothschild family have majority share ownership of the central banks, they support Israel as a central head of world government. (See the *Know More News* channel on Bitchute.) Some of the major central banks are the Central Bank of London, the Bank of England, Vatican Bank and the Federal Reserve in NYC. After that are the central banks in every country, they are called 'Reserve' banks. Eg the RBA (Reserve Bank of Australia - a PRIVATE bank). These banks are not controlled by government. If they state they are government controlled on their websites it is deception. The establishment control the government elements that can make decisions. The purpose of the cartel is to enslave countries. They 'assist' governments by 'creating' money, out of nothing (mostly electronic), and depositing into government accounts. This becomes national or state debt in those countries. Often the debt is paid back by the government selling national assets. Guess who buys the assets?


- 3 years ago  

Exactly!. Not what I was talking about!!. But anyway 🤪


- 3 years ago  

Tony Heller is a voice of reason. Shame youtube censorship limits his ability to present relavent information. I look forward to hearing Tony's take on climate, pandemic, or just about any other topic he feels compelled to inform us on.


- 3 years ago  

Our Montana Governor was even worse, he sold out the public to serve the demands of Chucky Schumer in his vain attempt to get a Senate seat. Fortunately, Montanans were not fooled.


- 3 years ago  

Why test when there’s a 90% probability you’ll get a False Positive back?


- 3 years ago  

My theory is when you inhale with a mask, if it happened to be viral laden air, the viral laden air is re-inhaled over and over. But if you were unmasked the bulk of the virus would be blown away. And likely the next inhalation would be uncontaminated air.


- 3 years ago  

Tony's video shows what happens. Most escapes as normal. Maybe a little is trapped by the mask.


- 3 years ago  

Goodluck with that one! 🤗


- 3 years ago  

In the Argentina Ivermectin trial, the 800 healthcare workers that took prophylaxis ivermectin, 0, ZERO, got sick. In the group NOT given IVERMECTIN, 400 health care workers, 58% got sick, 237 of them. Ref: Dr Kory presentation to the Senate Committee, linked below Dr. Pierre Kory testifies to Senate Committee about Ivermectin, Dec. 8, 2020 Ivermectin was a KNOWN treatment in Early April! Ivermectin Playlist Limiting elevated blood glucose that lends itself to xovid severity with a lchf keto or carnivore diet. doesn't hurt either. Dr Paul Marik prophylactic treatment with Vit C, melatonin, zinc, and D3/k2 listed in link on FLCCC website Math+ Protocol, Hospital Protocol IMask Protocol, Prophylaxis Dr David Brownstein also uses Lugols Iodine


- 3 years ago  

And studies cited to "debunk" HCQ used up to 3-4x the known safe dose then concluded it had negative side effects in patients who were already sick. Also vitamin D is effective. There are a number of treatments and preventions more effective than a "novel' vaccine.


- 3 years ago  

Wow! 😳. This covid shit must be pretty bad hey!!... 🤔


- 3 years ago  

Do I need to move to South Dakota now? Escaped crazy NM to go to WY, and boinnngggg... here it’s also masks now. This moving gets expensive. Sick of tyrants and the sheep.


- 3 years ago  

It's on my short list!


- 3 years ago  

Be grateful you could escape. Stuck in Commiesfornia with unbelievably ignorant sheeple...and this is the suppossedly conservative part of this place.


- 3 years ago  

All this superstition sounds a lot like....China


- 3 years ago  

That is EXACTLY what it is and that is EXACTLY who is behind it, with the blessing of big tech, our universities and depraved, bought off politicians.


- 3 years ago  

Biden will create a Ministry of Information, and he will appoint an Information Czar to police all forms of media and information dissemination. Things are going to get very dark in the world. Democrats are so weak and corrupt, they will gladly allow Xi and his CCP to run things as long as they get their kick-backs.


- 3 years ago  

What will happen is the same blackmail by the federal government when the highway speed limit on interstate roads was set at 55 mph. NO highway funding unless you comply. That eventually was rescinded and was basically unenforceable out here in the West. As an example of other federal interference, Arizona was the very last state to acknowledge Martin Luther King, Jr. day as a holiday after the federales threatened punitive measures. Arizona didn't even become a state until 1912. Now, however, the money that can be withheld from any uncooperative state is huge. There will be no United States of America within 12 months if Biden doesn't die before he is sworn in. That assumes that the election dispute will be settled in his favor. This is not hyperbole. I wish it were. As I said back in March: If the country doesn't go back to work by Easter, it never will. It didn't and it hasn't. If Trump fails to act, we are finished.


- 3 years ago  

America is finished!!... All because of the trumpet! & All the left right bullshit propaganda that get spread around!!! 🤗


- 3 years ago  

But, but, but.. the "experts" CAN'T be wrong! They're from storied, historical institutions we've trusted our entire lives! Besides, THEY SAID SO ON TV! Americans are just trying to be good little boys and girls but instead, they are mindless lemmings who WON'T take the time to gather information, talk to people with scientific knowledge or even think things through. FIRST of all, they have to stop using Google. THEN they have to be willing to listen to alternative views- you, Patrick Moore, Dr. Happer, Dr. Willie Soon, Freman Dyson- if he's still with us, Dr. Edenhoffer, Friends of Science and many more I can't think of at the moment. But, the every day citizen believes that "people are a pox on the earth, our little 9% of land we occupy is just DESTROYING the earth, we need to get rid of plastic.. they have NO IDEA what would happen to their lives, overnight, if there were no plastics and they're SO AFRAID of being wrong that they just won't even give it a 2nd thought. They lined up in elementary school like good little students and they're still doing it. Most of them are actually really decent people but they feel guilty for existing.. I'm beyond infuriated. And the university professors.. I can't even think about it, it's so disturbing. Thank you for keeping on, Tony. KEEP ON, more and more people will find you.


- 3 years ago  

You glad you got that all off your chest!??... 9% hey!!? 🤔... Maybe you should have stayed in that line!!!


- 3 years ago  

Thanks much for your great videos. I often forward them to friends and family.


- 3 years ago  

If Biden does take office our darkest days will be ahead.


- 3 years ago  

We're very lucky to live in America. Even with all it's foibles. The censorship may be a bad thing but in America we have the freedom to speak our thoughts on multiple platforms. The truth can still be spoken in some parts of this country.

What's my name?

- 3 years ago  

TONY! You talk as if this is a left or right issue. You pretend that if Republicans were in charge it would be different. Well we have a Republican POTUS that caved in and countless republican governors who have as well to this psy ops of fear and control over the masses for profit. This is nothing but a and plenty of proof for everyone that our governmental strings are pulled from elsewhere including the of the puppet potus's of the usa. WAKE UP SHEEPLE!!! GLOBALISTAGENDA.ORG


- 3 years ago  

Biden mouthing the words that Obama writes...


- 3 years ago  

One very unpleasant fact that this COVID19 has made obvious is ... how huge a majority of humans back tyranny, dishonesty and predatory abuse by tyrants. I have noticed that even those who have been royally screwed and admit they have been royally screwed typically support the tyrants and the necessity to have tyrants who run roughshod over everyone. This makes me believe that those VERY FEW of us who are not afflicted with terminal insanity must get the hell outta dodge, move to some extreme boonies somewhere that suits are tastes in climate, geology and so forth, and become as invisible and self-sufficient as possible. And have a completely undetectable location (hideaway room or something) where we can vanish to in the event some agent of some predator-that-be or predator-class or globalist elitists comes to find us in order to harm, destroy or enslave us. Because the vast, vast, vast majority of humans are no longer willing to defend themselves ... and in fact support the predators-that-be, predator-class and globalist elitist predators ... no large (or even medium) scale solution appears to be possible. Perhaps tiny groups of individualists could collaborate on projects to avoid predators, they would need to be very careful to avoid one of them "giving in" and then turning everyone in, along with all their physical assets.


- 3 years ago  

The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary. H. L. Mencken


- 3 years ago  

When liberty is taken away by force, it can be restored by force. When it is relinquished voluntarily by default, it can never be recovered. — DOROTHY THOMPSON


- 3 years ago  

Political analysis should have its foundation in Konsequenz ethics where actions preliminary are being judged on their results,not from what they symbolises or motivate with .


- 3 years ago  

Go Tony


- 3 years ago  

I love what you're doing Tony. Please, don't stop. Your message needs to be heard. I copy and past your videos to FB and other platforms. Keep going, the country needs patriots like you!


- 3 years ago  

Be sure to go to Tony's page also. I like to post some of the single images that Tony uses in his videos rather than a video, depending on the subject and who I'm talking to. He does his homework! You can also send him a few bucks there too.


- 3 years ago  

Oh Tony? "Cases", according to dodgy PCR Test? = Fake Casedemic.


- 3 years ago  

The PCR test is too loosie goosey to be useful in defining policy.


- 3 years ago  

Youtube just deleted my account without any reason, just like Facebook and Twitter did many, many times... and all I write is, that earths history and the warm periods is 100% proof, that our CO2 has nothing to do with earths temperature of atmosphere.


- 3 years ago  

Maskers enjoy being totalitarians.


- 3 years ago  

CO2 in "science" today is the - if the only tool you have is a hammer, then everything is a nail. The current state of the science actually doesn't understand the climate very well, yet demands certainty based upon some knowledge of nothing but an essential gas for life called carbon dioxide.


- 3 years ago  

Mask mandates are not based on superstition Tony, they're based on the need for tyrants to silence any potential resistance to their authority. Lockdowns, social distancing, masks, all the same. There's a political transition taking place globally, they don't want people communicating.


- 3 years ago  

Agreed. Masks, lockdowns, distancing, are all about control. How long will it be till mandatory vaccinations?

Also, the clip at 3:15 (blowing vapor out of the mask) lags in my browser, but it's not actually to do with bandwidth it's something about my browser not liking that clip. Not sure exactly what's occurring there but I'm looking into it.


- 3 years ago  

Same issue for me, it lagged right there


- 3 years ago  

You can always download the video. I had the same problem, that solved the problem.


- 3 years ago  

Same issue for me, but it lags every few seconds for the whole video, that was just the worst few seconds. I always download & watch offline.


- 3 years ago  

im going to guess it has to do with video compression, stuff that's not easily compressible does not play well as video sent over the internet


- 3 years ago  

I too had the same issue!

Hard to believe South Dakota's economy hasn't taken a hit, meanwhile where I am businesses are in a hardcore round of second lockdowns, people are mortgaging their homes to try and keep their businesses afloat and even that is not working and now they're on the verge of losing their homes too. It's like completely alternative realities even though geographically there's not much difference. Reminds me of The Allegory of Good and Bad Government, where those living under good government have a lively and bustling community while those under bad government live in a state akin to hell.


- 3 years ago  

When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn. Proverrbs 29:2

Anyone else here from a push notification?


- 3 years ago  

I'm here from yt.