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Dr Peter McCullough Urgent Warning About Poisonous Jabs An Agonizing Situation by Stew Peters

  - 25:30

Stew Peters:






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July 22nd 2021  

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Category: Health And Wellness



- 3 years ago  

By saying that vaccines in general have a low death rate he is implying that there's nothing wrong with them and we should be taking them. The death rate from childhood vaccines is not the only, or even the least, concern with them. The biggest concern with childhood vaccines is life-altering autoimmune disorders and behavioral changes that are definitely associated with them when you compare the rising rates of these to the steady increase in the number of vaccines on the childhood vaccination schedule. I was born in 1960 and received only the MMR and smallpox vaccines in elementary school and possibly TB, with no boosters. While growing up, I did not know of one single person in school or in athletics that had an allergy even, nevermind asthma or any behavioral concerns. As proof of this, I didn't even know what a puffer was until my mom started using one in 1990 for COPD. If you look at the steady increase in the rates of allergies, asthma, ADHD, autism, irritable bowel disease, or any of these autoimmune-mediated diseases, there is a direct correlation with the steady increase in the number of vaccines on the childhood vaccination schedule. The last number I heard was that there are now 70 vaccines on the childhood vaccination schedule in the United States, and the above-named diseases are now at epidemic levels in Western countries.


- 3 years ago  

It may be a fact that doctors don't order this vaccine for patients, but certainly one has to wonder how many of them are pushing their patients to get it.