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Darkness Is Falling



The Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire 167 - Coercion & Compliance

  - 47:33

This video is my response to an article titled, “What Are We Going To Do With The Anti-Vaxxers?” from Forbes Magazine dated Jun 27, 2021 and written by a very antagonistic and vindictive person by the name of Enrique Dans. I’ll put the link to the article in the description box below. This article is another shot across the bow and warning from the Jesuits how they feel about those who do NOT obey world government. No one can mistake what this writer is saying. This is how the Jesuit Cabal do it. They send out warnings from their Media propaganda machine and in this case a prominent Jesuit online magazine. Do not make the mistake of thinking that this is just one man expressing his personal opinion. There are many voices expressing this same message. By typing in the title of this article with the authors name you will find 7 websites with similar titles including Forbes just on the first page. As i have been saying in many videos now; those who exercise their right to regulate their own health are being viewed as a threat to the vaxxed, not that that even makes sense. The Roman one world communitarian spirit has “0” tolerance for those who think for themselves. Learn more at: How To Get Born Again and Become A Child of God! Following Jesus Christ & Counting the Cost! The Holy Spirit The Roman Catholic “Mark Of The Beast” Medical Freedom Alliance - Compilation Of Doctor’s Warnings What are we going to do with the Anti-Vaxxers?






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June 29th 2021  

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Category: How To & Education



- 3 years ago  

Regarding resets - there is a theory that history has been altered and changed as you would agree. The central premise is the old world architecture and technologies have been hidden or suppressed. There is an excellent series called "what on earth happened?" on odysee - which appears everywhere except mainstream and the author was persecuted as expected. It essentially takes the firmament/NASA lie and expounds on it. I was fascinated by this series. It asks questions but like all of these kinds of documentaries you have to be careful not be too caught up in it. It taught me one thing - everything we think was true is a lie. The illusion we live under is evidence. Our world system is suppressive and oppressive intentionally. In conclusion the theory is that a reset occurred 300 years ago. Civilisations expunged etc. A Theory only but it did cause me to glorify GOD and how HE has sought us out since the beginning of time and desires intimacy which creation guides us towards HIM and they know this. They are attempting a reset now in their own words. Again the take away is the lies run much deeper then we can imagine. People have been studying this for a very long time and as the flat earth emerges it only reinforces our GOD created everything we see and do not see.

Darkness Is Falling

- 3 years ago  

Nice exposition! I think i've heard every story going. I do believe the Jesuits have been manipulating history for centuries but a "total" reset 300 years ago i can't confirm. There is a fair bit of documented "continuity" of civilization for the last 500 years although the details of many important events have been erased or concealed. It's neither here or there in the light of Biblical prophecy. We have ALL we need to know in the Word of God. Satan tried to destroy it but was unsuccessful. I believe you have the right approach to "stories." The scripture says to "TEST" all things to "Prove" them true or false. Sometimes it takes time and we have to wait to get an answer. That's ok! We need not be shaken while we wait and pray! There are many things we will never know this side of the Kingdom. Thank you for sharing this info. Stay close to Jesus because he alone is the LIFE and apart from him we are LOST! God bless you!


- 3 years ago  

The mental asylums after the last reset were full of people who were insane or did not agree with the new world order. Or perhaps christians.

Darkness Is Falling

- 3 years ago  

Thanks for your comment! When WAS the last reset? I'm not sure of the time period you are referring to. Pls let me know. Cheers!


- 3 years ago  

So what happens to salvation when some believer gets jailed and forced vaccinated?

Darkness Is Falling

- 3 years ago  

Good question! No one will be forced to take the INJECTION. It's not Biblical that anyone's "Will" be overruled. Believers who REFUSE will be rounded up and exterminated just as they have been doing for thousands of years. That's coming soon. Satan and his minions don't want you if you don't "submit" and OBEY the Pope and get INJECTED with his MARK. He is the Biblical antichrist BEAST and OBEYING his Jesuit Vatican New World Order government Health Agencies is the same as OBEYING and WORSHIPPING him. Read Romans 6:16 about obedience and worship. People will not be "forced." Anyone saying this is Lying and doesn't understand the scriptures. We will have a choice: INJECT and DIE or REFUSE and DIE! Either way it is death for all. There is no way to escape this world system. It is prophetic and here now. Please read Revelation 13:6. That's where we are on the prophetic timeline. The Beast is NOW making war against the saints worldwide by applying economic, psychological and spiritual pressure to INJECT. So far, more than 3 billion people have been DECEIVED and INJECTED VOLUNTARILY! God bless you!


- 3 years ago  

Today, of all days, Darkness Is Falling. Our fellow deceived slaves are celebrating their Jesuit masters.......... STILL naive at the present dire threat we ALL face, instead, they foolishly write things such as this, "Oh well, I'm not patriotic by any means. But I still had a fun day with family and friends. Got a bad sunburn though.." I am so very angry and distraught, I cannot see straight. The foreboding alone has stripped me of any autonomy. Reading, the mere words alone are a continual dumbfounding reminder of what the Jesuits have reduced mankind to. Inconceivable!

Darkness Is Falling

- 3 years ago  

Great to hear from you! Thanks be to God that you are "seeing" the reality of what is happening when millions SEE NOTHING! It is almost inconceivable at what has transpired but it is 100% Biblical. Put ALL your Faith and Trust in the Lord Jesus Christ because what is coming is very "Dark." God bless you richly!


- 3 years ago  

From David Kennedy. I found this link 4 or 5 years ago. I believe this is how a modern Jesuit is formed from a child. Of course there is adult programming too. The Illuminati Formula to Create an Undetectable Total Mind Control Slave - Part 1 and 2 (Audio Book).

Darkness Is Falling

- 3 years ago  

Hi David Thanks for sharing. This is quite lengthy but i'll try getting to it as soon as i can! I hope all is well.


- 3 years ago  

thank you for breaking down this horrific propaganda article..a string of lies & deceptions and a terrifying portent of the persecution/ inquisition mindset to come. thx for the warning brother !

Darkness Is Falling

- 3 years ago  

Lovely to hear from you! You are welcome. May God bless you and strengthen you!


- 3 years ago  


Darkness Is Falling

- 3 years ago  

Thanks for sharing! Good video. The evidence is clear. Many people are going to suffer and die!