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Darkness Is Falling



The Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire 270 - Facts 3

  - 1:58:14

Current RELIGIOUS “REVIVAL” events are LINKING UP with ALL the other ONGOING RELIGIOUS TRADITIONS worldwide - Catholic, Hindu, Islam! This is BASED on the FALSE PROPHECY that there will be a GREAT END TIME “Christian” REVIVAL, which in fact has already come and gone over the last 500 years - SATAN is actually PROVIDING a COUNTERFEIT! Non Christians are looking for and have been waiting for … even EXPECTING a giant CALAMITOUS DYSTOPIAN FINALE EVENT because of Hollywood CONDITIONING but it won’t happen that way! False Christians are looking for a giant GLORIOUS END TIME REVIVAL of God’s presence on Earth but that also isn’t going to happen! This final current 4th Roman “ECUMENICAL” BEAST KINGDOM is in fact the LAST “GREAT” DARK SPIRITUAL MOVEMENT on Earth before Jesus Christ returns! Learn more at: How To Get Born Again and Become A Child of God! Following Jesus Christ & Counting the Cost! The Holy Spirit The Roman Catholic “Mark Of The Beast” The Jesuit Vatican New Age Deception The Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire Video Series - Ten Pages - 282 Videos New Tube - Darkness Is Falling Video Series - 6 Pages 282 Videos Face Book - Darkness Is Falling Video Series Rumble - Darkness Is Falling Video Series Rumble - Darkness Is Falling 2 Backup Channel BitChute - Darkness Is Falling Instagram - darknessisfalling.truth You Tube - Darkness Is Falling Channels 1 + 3






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February 24th 2023  

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Category: How To & Education



- a year ago  

[KJV 1611] Mat 24:15 When yee therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the Prophet, stand in the holy place, (who so readeth, let him vnderstand.) - [KJV 1611] Mat 24:16 Then let them which be in Iudea, flee into the mountaines. - [KJV 1611] Mat 24:17 Let him which is on the house top, not come downe, to take any thing out of his house: - [KJV 1611] Mat 24:18 Neither let him which is in the field, returne backe to take his clothes. - [KJV 1611] Mat 24:19 And wòe vnto them that are with child, and to them that giue sucke in those dayes. - [KJV 1611] Mat 24:20 But pray yee that your flight bee not in the winter, neither on the Sabbath day: - [KJV 1611] Mat 24:21 For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor euer shall be. --- THEse SCRIPTURES PAINT A FRIGHTENING AND RAPID DESTRUCTION AND THE FOLLOWING VIDEO SHOWS JUST WHAT THAT WILL BE AND HOW IT WILL HAPPEN :

Darkness Is Falling

- a year ago  

Hi Joshua! Thanks for sharing all the links. Much appreciated. The mini drone tech is disturbing. This could be what takes us out. God bless you!


- a year ago  

The seducing charm of evil -


- a year ago  

MARK OF THE BEAST - what Covid-19 is doing in the body -


- a year ago  

No one to blame but yourself -


- a year ago  

This is what they are teaching our kids in school -


- a year ago  

REPOST - Switzerland & Organised Crime - The Land of Covid-19 Mark of the Beast world-wide headquarters and development (Wuhan, China was a side-show with real evidence and facts for the gullible to find - to back up the misdirection) -


- a year ago  

The Holocaust was preceded by 9 years of incremental restrictions on personal freedom, and the suspension of legal rights and civil rights. Discriminatory government edicts. The Nazis called it “ethnic cleansing” for the protection of the gene pool. Nazi Germany was Eugenics - the elitist ideology at the root of all genocides. Medicine was weaponized - control of reproduction through forced sterilization and to eliminate those deemed to be “sub-human” – Untermenschen. The first victims of medical murder were disabled infants and toddlers, then the mentally ill, then the elderly in nursing homes - condemned as “worthless eaters - hospitals became killing stations. The Nazis enacted discriminatory laws to create a highly trained bureaucracy that coordinated the industrial genocidal process. Today's COVID-19 policies are the same as those under the Nazi regime. By declaring a state of emergency, in 1933 and in 2020, constitutionally protected personal freedom, legal rights, and civil rights were swept aside. Repressive, discriminatory decrees followed. In 1933, the primary target for discrimination were Jews (demonized Jews as “spreaders of disease), today with genetically engineered vaccines to eliminate segments of the population - the target is people who refuse to be injected. The media is silent – as it was then. The media broadcasts a single, government-dictated narrative – just as it had under the Nazis. Strict censorship silences opposing views. Individuals who objected - were imprisoned in concentration camps. The ultimate goal - gain total control of the world’s natural resources - and to replace humans with Transhuman robots. Transhumanists despise human values, and deny the existence of a human soul. World Econimic Forum (WEF) 'prophet' Yuval Noah Harari declares that there are too many “useless people.” The Nazi term was “worthless eaters.” These people have paved the road to another Holocaust. This time, there will be no rescuers- extract from : Vera Sharav, Nuremberg Code 75th Anniversary MultiLanguage Edition (2022). The world-wide final solution Nazi Catholic Jesuit Mark of the Beast Holocaust has already begun in the UK - UK NG191 genocide NHS protocal - +++


- a year ago  

According to Robert y Lifton's book "The Nazi Doctors," during world war II no profession had a higher percentage of Nazi party members than the medical profession.


- a year ago  

William is real.!!