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Kompilasi FaktaSaja



Oxford Vaccine Group Director: Herd immunity is NOT POSSIBLE, focus on preventing the dying instead

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August 11th 2021  

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- 3 years ago  

There is no "variant" of Covid19, because it was NEVER isolated - FACT! It failed to get a patent repeatedly, it's a fraud. There isn't a Covid19 virus anywhere on this planet. Therefore there is no variant. Thus there isn't a vaccine for this phantom virus, it is only a computer model, an image of an imaginary virus.


- 3 years ago  

It’s his shrugging of the shoulders which gets me.


- 3 years ago  

yep,it's all B.S. to make millions for the gates of the world and sorryarse and schwabb where-ever they dug him up from bastards the lot of them and chuck turdeau and the aussie wombat in there too with all their henchman police thugs and so it goes on. Everyone on here knows it and says it and these scum bags need to be rounded up and strung up as at least one columnist writes here. The people/everyone needs to do something; refusing to wear a mask in a public space anywhere and everywhere...civil peaceful disobedience just to start.


- 3 years ago  

If the virus in all its variants including those to come break through these experimental injections pretending not be vaccines then there is no reason to push this junk and lie to the public about it anymore. Treatments are what is needed.


- 3 years ago  

this quack should be hung by his ugly tie, from the closest tall tree! over educated brainwashed cunt!


- 3 years ago  

I like your thinking...surprisingly,what is missing on this bearded smartie is the bow-tie,the ultimate superiority weapon of choice of Professors and their kind, even Frank Sinatra undid his 'cos at least he did some work ! In contra-distinction to this mob with their Knighthoods and's all bollocks.


- 3 years ago  

How can there be a variant if the "virus" has never been isolated? This is an "educated" man?


- 3 years ago  

Yep, we are waiting to see the electron -microscope photo of the wuhan monster that as yet has managed to elude all these smart-arses.


- 3 years ago  

Yeah, I agree. Sooner the better. I figure if the variants would kick in gear a little faster, we could all balance the budget and debts around the world ! Their insurance premiums will pay it off !

GSH for Life

- 3 years ago  

People have no more immunity to coronaviruses (the common cold), give me a break and provide to them the cheap effective treatments and give them access to naturopathic care and real doctors, not pharmaceutical junk, like more Quackseens (vaccines), antibiotics (anti-life medications) and all sort of drugs that kill rather than supporting their immune systems! One of the safest and cheapest drug with a great safety profile would be ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine (which you people are actively suppressing to the general public worldwide) when its been used by billions of people with no deaths! Duh! But no, you are using experimental jabs for millions causing the variants that were non existent prior to the injection programs by Bill Gates, Fauci and corrupt politicians that were bribed or in the stock market business like our Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in Canada (deep in the pockets of pfizer)! YOU HAVE CREATED THIS MESS! Stop lying! Thanks!

GSH for Life

- 3 years ago  

Vaccines are military biological warfare weapons. Weapons of mass destruction and of indoctrination. These bio-weapons are destroying natural immunity and knocking out some of the most critical organs in our bodies! I think you need to rename the ''herd'' immunity (like you treat humans like cows) to the ''herd mentality''. Since this problem was created by gene editing technology jabs! Mr Pollard! Trying to infect me and my family with arms of destruction and blaming it on a ''virus''! Pathetic morons! You people are deeply disturbed in the brain, if you ask me!

Jonathan Wapcaplet

- 3 years ago  

Perhaps the establishment of a fascist police state may be the answer to this non existent problem.


- 3 years ago  

Quite possibly..