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Tony HellerPLUS



Australian Police Beating Up Children Over Masks

  - 2:19

Originally uploaded to "He who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities" - Voltaire






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Uploaded 3 years ago  

August 18th 2021  

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- 3 years ago  

Australian police are pathetic pussies. Imagine how easy it would be to take over their country. A country full of cunts


- 3 years ago  

SS or even worse. Shame on you police!!! I hope fathers of Australia will start to beat these bastards when they are without uniforms and protection.

Mark's Modern Life

- 3 years ago  

You(not us)Tube quickly censored this. Glad I could watch it here.


- 3 years ago  

unfortunatly for these nazis HELL is real and they are all gonna pay....


- 3 years ago  

I am Australian. This is beyond EVIL. Please stop this horror that is being unleashed. Now they are mass vaccinating children. Two, that we know of, are already dead. It has been hidden.


- 3 years ago  

This Climate / COVID lye has gone way too far!!!! Control is all that is going on here, nothing more, nothing less!!!!! STOP the INSANITY I am 🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦


- 3 years ago  

Dispicable child abusers! No real law enforcement officer would stoop to that behavior. Those guys look like slob punk wanna be cops! Disgusting non-men! Real Police need to step up and end this disaster! Arttest anyone who gives you an illegal order. What is wrong with these creeps? Hey rentacop, Leave those kids alone!


- 3 years ago  

It is NO better to educate your young children that gender is a choice. Fascism is fascism. Arizona governor just announced no money for schools that mandate masks. Now that will provoke some interesting reactions, I'm sure.


- 3 years ago  

It may be coming to the point where individual police need to be targeted outside of their work environment so they can be isolated without the backup of their gang. With what is going on, the notion of I'm just doing my job doesn't fly anymore. They live amongst us, and it's high time they realize that they are part of the community and throw down their damn bloody badges and refuse to comply with orders of the government to arrest people for violating government orders for social distancing and masks. There is a video of police in France doing this, but now we see the police are back on the side of government enforcing mandatory vaccines. In Ontario, Canada, the government instituted a curfew and gave police the authority to demand identification from anybody outside of their home and if they didn't have a justification for being out to fine or arrest them, but the entire provincial police force issued a statement of refusal to do so and not one of them lost their job, so it is indeed possible to band together in refusal.


- 3 years ago  

This makes me sick, I hope people go to these assholes houses and pull em out see how fuckin tough they are, scum pigs, fuck I wish people could get these evil scum. If they can smash us over fake illegal virus well lets stop talking grab these pigs by the neck and make sure they never hurt another person.


- 3 years ago  

I'm gonna hang the police by the neck untill they all dead


- 3 years ago  

They should ambushed and beat to death to send a message to the rest of them


- 3 years ago  

What enforcement is doing to children is irreparable damage for generations to come. Notice I didn't call them law enforcement because this is as lawless as it gets. We have yet to realize how devastating all of this lawlessness from police will manifest in the lives of these children.


- 3 years ago  

Right on!


- 3 years ago  

Handkerchiefs and dust masks don't even work worth a sh*t. They're only supposed to catch the water vapor being expelled as we breathe because they can't filter out the .06 to 1.4 micron virus. They would be soaking wet in a short time if they worked. Put on a face covering, breathe directly onto a small mirror and see it quickly fog up. Hospital staff use them because there are people with open wounds. If someone sneezes, coughs or spit talks indoors, it might help. It's totally ludicrous to wear them outdoors or arrest someone for not wearing one. These measures are only meant to prevent hospital beds from becoming overwhelmed because there is really no way for most people to avoid from being exposed forever.


- 3 years ago  

The establishment will completely ruined the future of our youth. When our young learn that government cannot be trusted, civil society will decline. Can we fix this? Yes - we have a narrow window of opportunity to support politicians who know this behavior is a serious threat to our liberties and will put and end to it.


- 3 years ago  

If you do not realize it has gone way past "support politicians who know" then you never will. enjoy your enslavement...


- 3 years ago  

And Tony, l walked past one cop, on Tuesday, (didn't give a shit) without a mask on, and an entire Police station, (that looked deserted). The smart ones don't care and stupid ones do.

Bernt Ekholm

- 3 years ago  

Defund the police?