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Tony HellerPLUS



February 4 Orwellian Update

  - 3:37

“We will know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.” William Casey CIA Director 1981






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February 4th 2021  

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Category: Politics



- 3 years ago  

Don’t Mask Don’t Tell .....

felicia p

- 3 years ago  

Bill Gates the sex pervert, friend of Jeffrey Epstein the convicted sex trafficker of minors again....I don't even use his shitty windows crap. His virus profits are an epic example of a psychopath profiteering from the gullible.


- 3 years ago  

Like the Trumpet didn't have besties too!! 😝... 🤔... Gullible!!! 😳


- 3 years ago  

Yes, sad but true. Not much different here in the Netherlands.


- 3 years ago  

Tony, what an amazing picture you show in China, of that brand new 1,837 kilometer solely built for coal transportation called the Menghua railway. That picture of that coal transport rail bridge alone is a civil engineering wonder! China is building for their future to be energy independent, using every energy source possible and China’s #1 energy source now and growing well past 2050, will always be coal. My hat goes off to China for tapping into all energy sources, solar and wind but at the same time not killing their coal mining industry but expanding their coal power generation. It is refreshing to see their state sponsored CCP do what’s best for China and not shut down their coal industry. China will surpass America in energy production if they continue this mindset of mining more Chinese coal, fracking for more of their own oil and gas, all the while touting going green by maybe adding 5% of their power grid by way of solar and wind power. Thank you Tony Heller for these gems of enlightenment. This video shows the hypocrisy of our Dem political class in charge today, the so called Dem Global weather alarmist in America. There focus isn’t saving the planet but winning elections in America. If it was truly about saving the planet Dems wouldn’t be giving a total pass to China and their reliance on coal. John Kerry recently said in his DC broadcast that any negotiations on reducing China’s CO2 emissions is off the table during the Biden’s administration. Instead Dems vilify the GOP (Texas) and the flyover states for their coal and fracking oil and gas energy use, as their #1 attack goal of the Dem party, called saving the planet. Dems know to continue to win elections they must attack and destroy the financial power base of the conservatives and their middle class producing jobs. Coal, fracking oil and gas jobs along with building pipelines is what the Dems must destroy in America to win elections. If conservatives industries inside America cannot continue to create wealth in abundance to help pay for the middle class, health insurance, unemployment insurance, the Dems win. They win by winning elections and will only continue the onslaught on the flyover states by pushing their political agenda of outsourcing even more conservative jobs to China, Silicon Valley will focus on AI out of existence 3.5 million conservative trucker jobs with driverless trucks and push America’s energy production to importing again from the middleast so the true enemies of America and sponsors of 9-11 keep buying billions of USA weapons for death and destruction. Orwellian indeed, the gutless deficit spending Dems. I reject Dem propaganda about CO2 increases causing Global catastrophe. To believe that is the same as being in Germany in the 1930’s and believing Hitler that the Germans were the master race. Actually believing recent CO2 increases will melt both polar regions and make snow a distant memory are just as fanciful as Germans in the 1930’s believing Hitler but they did because of German propaganda from education youth camps started in the early 1930’s to the 1940’s and state owned and controlled German propaganda through TV and radio broadcasts were that effective. Our Dems with our own Hollywood, Silicon Valley click bait billionaires and Wall Street sell out America financiers have for the past 20 years controlled the narrative about Global Warming is caused by CO2. Dem state sponsored mass media propaganda by CNN, MS-NBC, Facebook, Twitter, Wikipedia and Google have pushed this narrative for decades that GOP flyover states were bad due their CO2 producing coal, petroleum and natural gas use. Dem party #1 goal is to win elections by killing all jobs done by conservative middle class workers and like Germany’s propaganda by1940, the Dems in 2020 think they have won by putting Biden in as president. They think they have won but it will unravel. China,Japan,South Korea, Germany and at the bottom of the list with an economy smaller than Italy comes Russia, are all waiting and wishing for the inevitable, that is America’s unraveling as the Dems deficit spend our economy into the abyss. I hope for a return to normalcy but fear the Dems will deficit spend us out of existence. Tony Heller is an amazing truth teller.


- 3 years ago  

Experts & not bloggers are right!!!... So much bullshit in what is just another repeated bullshit Tony propaganda video!!... If you tell a lie often enough, you will believe!! 🤗


- 3 years ago  

Then tell us why they built the rail line. Hypocrite! China and India are increasing their use of fossil fuels while you scream at the U. S. for the same thing.


- 3 years ago  

Who's doing all the screaming!!?... 🤔


- 3 years ago  

And of course the height of "intelligence" is some wanker with the inference user name like you dropping negative comments on every video regardless of what the content is.


- 3 years ago  

Negative!!?... 🤔... Your opinion!??. Or Tony's opinion that you choose to follow!!! 🤔


- 3 years ago  

So sad, but so true.


- 3 years ago  

Confusing - Casey was a Republican in the Reagan administration. 1981 was Reagan's first year and Casey stayed till January 29, 1987. In what context did he say this?


- 3 years ago  

WoW! That Commies In America quote is boner chilling.


- 3 years ago  

Well, since these are the last days of Mankind, I wouldn't expect anything BUT total deception from authorities/governments, submissive ninnies in masks and truth tellers to be deleted from social media if not life. Six months ago I said we still had a chance to steer the ship of state away from disaster but we were heading in the wrong direction so it probably wouldn't happen. The theft of the election closed that window and nailed it shut. Now the decline is inevitable. Did you read that this virus can go through walls and closed doors and down the hallway to infect a person? Yep. The maculate infection, I call it.

Truth Sleuth

- 3 years ago  

It's unbelievable how people have so WILLINGLY subjected themselves to medical tyranny in the expectation that the Big Pharma intended to keep them safe. Apparently experience is not a good teacher for some folk. Soooo, people will now wear those three masks and bend over for theirr daily swab test and quarterly vaccine injection! It's also unbelievable how readily people are accepting MSM's ever-incorrect narrative of global warming. Never mind that activists have had to change the terminology to something less unbelievable and they now call every weather event Evidence of Climate Change.


- 3 years ago  

Why does WY. want to tax driving by miles? $1700 a year for drivers who travel above the max to fund roads. It will kill tourism.

Truth Sleuth

- 3 years ago  

LOL! Tourism. Right.


- 3 years ago  

Ever heard of Yellowstone?


- 3 years ago  

It's because they are upset about fuel efficient cars "getting away with" paying less taxes. If everyone got 50+ mpgs then their tax revenue stream would dry up, and they're unwilling to raise the per gallon tax on fuel since cowboys and wealthy people love their expensive pickups and SUVs. (Though vehicles are also taxed in most states via excise taxes and registration fees each year) Regardless of CO2, conserving natural resources is a good thing. Especially if it can be done through efficiency alone instead of just punishing poorer people.


- 3 years ago  

How are they monitoring how many miles a year a person is driving?