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No Covid Coronavirus



Bill Gates Briefing To CIA? (2005.04.13)

  - 4:15

Not sure whether the guy on the video is Bill Gates or not, he is briefing to the CIA on vaccine therapy for targeting specific genes that would eliminate the need for radical thinking or being against the government, April 13th, 2005.






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August 19th 2021  

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Category: How To & Education



- 3 years ago  

As scandalous it might be, he is not Bill Gates. Do your research! Start by getting a version that doesn't have potatoes as pixels.

No Covid Coronavirus

- 3 years ago  

I didn't say he is, but the mirror itself said he is.

Anti Illuminati

- 3 years ago  

Saw this year's and years ago. To all you naysayers, go research. This is old news and a precursor to what is happening now. I have been warning people for 2 decades about the elite, the Georgia Guidestones and the mark of the beast. Better late then never? I don't think so. Now it's too late. Now who's the donkey! If you are paying attention, you would realize the unvaccinated are conservative and Christian. We are the hold outs. That is the reason for this neurological attack. If they can get rid of our inner want to be aligned to Our Creator, then Religious people will no longer be 'exempt' regarding this deadly jab. Right now, Christians are protected by their religious freedoms that cannot be infringed upon by a government or any other power. This will soon change. DO NOT TAKE THE POSION! IT IS A DEATH SENTENCE. THESE PEOPLE ARE IN DIRECT VIOLATION OF THE NUREMBERG CODE. 🐰🕳️☠️


- 3 years ago  

Clearly that is not "The Microsoft Bill Gates." And, as usual, there is no accompanying citations or evidence of the veracity of this "leaked" video. Also, it was just dumb! For what it's worth, correlation does not prove causation. There was zero put forward that showed the mechanism of how the "radicalization gene" might influence radicalism. It looks like a poorly made propaganda piece. It was in no way a scientific presentation, but, judge for yourself folks! ;) The target response audience here is rather low in IQ. Aim higher! You bloody numbskulls assume everyone is as stupid as you!

No Covid Coronavirus

- 3 years ago  

Not sure if the guy is Bill Gates. Anyway, the Covid vials are not really mRNA. They are the chemical poison made of graphene oxide. It won't cause the virus to the vaccinated, but the illness, so the vaccinated they are not contagious.

Jonathan Wapcaplet

- 3 years ago  



- 3 years ago  

People are lazy .. Bill gates is no different from crime bosses .