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Joe Biden run NOTHING - Nazi pedophile lodges run THE WORLD

  - 9:24

Uploaded for The first main part of this film is clips taken from The Alex Jones show ? This forum got reset Dec. 2020 PLEASE SHARE ---






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Uploaded 3 years ago  

July 22nd 2021  

File Size: 172 MB

Category: Politics



- 3 years ago  


Barbarossa 296

- 3 years ago  

They’re NOT Fascists! Some people think that because of the involvement of corporations in their coup that they must be Fascists. And while corporate and government collusion is certainly a hallmark of Fascism, this is a strategy used by our enemies to circumvent the U.S. Constitution while the Federal Government must still pretend to obey it. Another hallmark of Fascism is NATIONALISM! The Fascists extolled the glory of Italian culture and history. The Nazis applauded the virtues of “das Volk” and promoted the study of German history. Both declared the superiority of their peoples above all others. On the other hand, our enemies have been destroying traditional America since the 1960’s. American history is being destroyed. To this end, they have demonized American heroes like George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and Robert E. Lee. Antifa has pulled down these heroes’ statues with government compliance and support. And here is a clue as to who our enemy truly is. Antifa can trace its roots to the Antifa that fought the Nazis in the streets of Weimar Germany during the 1920’s – yes, they are the same! But Antifa is only the “muscle”, the “Frankfort School” is the “brains”. Those Antifa who could, fled Germany in 1933 when the Nazis took over (the rest got to be the first inmates of the new concentration camps). The “Frankfort School”, being more affluent and having connections, fled to the United States and were welcomed with “open arms” by American academia. Gradually, the “Frankfort School” infiltrated American universities and indoctrinated students and professors in cultural Marxism. But until President Jimmy Carter created the Federal Department of Education, the American public school system was too decentralized to easily control (the Founding Fathers wanted education to be controlled locally). Within a decade of the Department of Education’s founding, cultural Marxists seized control of our public school system. With the Marxist domination of the entertainment and news media, American children are immersed in Marxist beliefs. As our children grew up, they were taught that everything that made America great was in fact evil. As they grew older, these children began to take their parent’s places as corporate officers, doctors, law enforcement, lawyers, military, politicians, and more. Being “woke” and eager to signal their virtue, they sacrifice honor and profits to make Marxist political and social statements. Lacking facts, critical thinking skills, logic, and reason, they are blind to anything contrary to Marxism. They are using the same methods that they used in the Soviet Union and elsewhere – destroy the traditional family, destroy the middle class, destroy and then rewrite history, exercise tight control over communications, education, all armed forces, and watch everybody everywhere all of the time. Their heroes are Lenin, Stalin, Mao, et al – who together, murdered an estimated 120 million people during the 20th Century.