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Dr. McCullough: DEBUNKING V+ FALSE BELIEFS- Don't Watch If You Believe CNN

  - 3:47

(LifeSiteNews) – In a recent interview with LifeSiteNews editor-in-chief John-Henry Westen, Dr. Peter McCullough, one of America’s leading physicians on the early treatment of COVID-19, listed five important scientific truths about the Wuhan coronavirus. McCullough said the following points are “five key messages of scientific truth that I’d want everybody to understand about the virus and the pandemic. They’re fairly straightforward.” 1. COVID-19 is NOT spread "asymptomatically" Dr. McCullough started off by debunking the common belief that asymptomatic people can pass on the disease to others and insisted that only people showing symptoms are actually contagious. “The virus is not spread asymptomatically. Only sick people give it to other people.” 2. Asymptomatic people should NOT get tested In a second point, he addressed the issue of testing asymptomatic people, arguing that this practice generates false data on COVID-19 cases: “All we’re doing is generating false positives, creating extra cases, and creating extra concerns. The FDA never approved these tests for asymptomatic testing. The WHO as of June 25th has said ‘no asymptomatic testing.’” He went on to urge asymptomatic people not to get tested: “There shouldn’t be a single person on earth that should undergo an asymptomatic test… people just ought to walk past those testing stations.” When prompted to clarify whether that also applies to testing for international travel, he replied, “For any reason. It violates WHO [directives].” 3. Natural immunity is robust complete and durable The third point Dr. McCullough addressed was the question of natural immunity, which he qualified as “robust, complete, and durable,” thus casting out any fear that one can contract a serious case of the disease more than once and rejecting another common myth on COVID. This video shared from Lifesite News:






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